Contest Course Progress

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Re: Contest Course Progress

Post by Robert@ »

The list for judging should only be used as a guide,some things on the list I feel really shouldnt matter. For instance...elevations. Can they be mowed? Its a fictional course for a game. Nobodys cutting any grass.
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Re: Contest Course Progress

Post by bryce »

Robert@ wrote:The list for judging should only be used as a guide,some things on the list I feel really shouldnt matter. For instance...elevations. Can they be mowed? Its a fictional course for a game. Nobodys cutting any grass.
Exactly!!! I think this list is probably the work of Ancient46 (David Lurty). He was very tedious and critical in judging design contests back at Copyright Club. The list can be used as a guideline, but then again the 'playing enjoyment' could end up being the deciding factor. I know Robert@ has said he will not be able to complete his course, but his courses tend to be more difficult than say the courses of Adam Brandt, Craig Johnson, and myself. Does that mean that his course should be ranked lower than ours because someone had a bad round?? No, it shouldn't. Everyone has their own personal criteria based on what they like and how they like it, and by all of the variety we have seen from the pics so far, there will be something that everyone will enjoy.

I do think that we contestants should be able to vote, so long as we do not vote our own course. Maybe we could vote courses as #1,#2,#3 so nobody has to be in last place on anyone's list. Just a suggestion.

BTW, I have just finished my first full non-practice round, and shot -7, so everyone should do well on my course. I still have to work on some minor things before I can upload. Hopefully, I will be done in the next few days.
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Re: Contest Course Progress

Post by tincup »

Robert@ wrote:The list for judging should only be used as a guide,some things on the list I feel really shouldnt matter. For instance...elevations. Can they be mowed? Its a fictional course for a game. Nobodys cutting any grass.
I agree Robert. I doubt than many, if anyone, judging the courses will drill down and rank every item on the detail list. The detail is provided only as a guideline to show what kind of things should be considered when making up your mind about a category. Just use the ones you think apply and leave the rest. No matter what approach is taken, there will always be a certain amount of subjectivity in judgement.

I am open to any ideas about how judging should be approached. I offered this list only because the contest is nearly over and noone had said anything about how we judge the courses.

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Re: Contest Course Progress

Post by SteveHorn »

I agree with whats been said in the last 3 post. The list is way to long. Its good for a reference but if you do every course that you've played and judged it on all 100 items on the list NO COURSE is going to come close to a perfect 10. The main things that should be worth more then any 1 point in any one catagory is did you enjoy your round, is it fair, does it look good and play mostly realistic. Are there a varity of holes with different challenges.I also look for any glaring flaws. Thats not everything I judge a course by but if you score well on those basics you'll probably have a highly rated course.
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Re: Contest Course Progress

Post by sandwedge »

I like the idea of a list - provides feedback of a tangible nature to the designers and indicates how the community will receive a course if there are any new designers in the wings. I agree that the list should be kept to the basics - categories are enough IMHO; the rest is too cumbersome. I am looking forward to voting and giving feedback but my time is somewhat limited - I can type a few lines but actually scrutinizing a course for minute details may be a bit too much :) So here would be my 5 categories

1. Enjoyment and replay value, (Does it make you want to fire it up again?)
2. Realism, (Fantasy courses are more enjoyable if they are immersive IMHO)
3. Use of the architect (Are there spikes, sunspots etc.?; How do you rate the land plot itself?)
4. Set up (Can golfers of various skill levels compete on it together? My kids are a lot better than I am at this game :laugh: )
5. Originality (Does it introduce something new to the design process? What is the library like that came with the file? I liked that vineyard in Blake Valley :up: I think this should be a category so that we can encourage designers to grow in their talent and abilities.)

I liked the 10 in Tin's post too - but it sounds like some are wanting a scaled down list. I hope this perspective is helpful to you in making a decision. :)
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Re: Contest Course Progress

Post by Robert D. Wagers »

Love the Elevation work done on this course so far!!!
It looks like the kind of courses I like... should be fun to play and even better to take-in the scenery!
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Re: Contest Course Progress

Post by Craigus10 »

I'd have to agree that we don't need all of it, but it is something to start with. I believe the main things should be, in no particular order:

Realism, General Design, Look of the course and surrounds, enjoyable to play, the general info about bunkers being set well, and green/fairway looks and play.

Maybe just a rating of the course should be iven, like a 1 star - 5 star, but when rating, at least give an explanation as to what you thought was done well, what you didn't like, just to make ure that there isn't anyone who just gives a 3 to all of them, jus so they can say they judged it.

Just throwing some ideas around for a different take on it. Is it still the 16th for final uploading?

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Re: Contest Course Progress

Post by SteveHorn »

Craig ! As far as I know the 16th is still the deadline. We should have 6 courses ( I HOPE ) Doron, ADC and Duncan still have not uploaded but last I heard will be done by the 16th.
I like Dorons idea of voting only for your top 3 courses. That way nobody fills bad if say you list their course in 6th ( last place). I also like the idea of giving each of your top 3 courses a score of some kind. It can be by stars 5 being excellent, 4and a halve very good and so on or A+, A , A-, B+ so on or 10 being perfect 9.9, 9.8, 9.7 so on just so long as its given a score. I also think a few notes about your top 3 would be good but you should'nt have to worry about going into to much detail as to why or what you liked if you don't want to. Keep it fairly short if you want or write a full review if you so choose.

I think we need until midnight 02/01/11 ( 2 full weeks ) to play and score every course. Hopefully I can play them all twice before submitting my top 3.
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Re: Contest Course Progress

Post by tincup »

There are a couple reasons why Like a more granular ranking (like 1-1000)
1. It eliminates fractional rankings like 9.8
2. It allows you to separate two course which are very close in rank

I don't feel that a 5 point rating like 1-5 or A-E is fine enough... just my take.
It's your call.

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Re: Contest Course Progress

Post by SteveHorn »

I'll gladly go with what ever the majority decides. My main concern is to make sure we are given enough time to judge all the courses fairly. Dar! If I have trouble picking a winner or even 2nd or 3rd I would use your 1 to 1000 point break down to make a final determination of a close score.
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