Members and new members introduce yourself

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Indy Anna Jones
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Members and new members introduce yourself

Post by Indy Anna Jones »

Hopefully with our new site we'll be getting some new members, so I thought I'd start this thread so that we can welcome you and offer you a chance to introduce yourselves.

I'm Judy aka Indy Anna Jones. I've been playing PGA99 and 2K since 2001 and would consider myself a good but not great player (I still have "them" days and "those" days, if you know what I mean.) My husband and I have both been designers over the years and our courses (IndyGoBlue and Indy Anna Jones) are available on the server. I've released "Wabash Valley" and "Leverette Mtn." this year. I'm still active online with Kali.

I'm really hoping that this new site and grand old game will help us "grow" this game some.
Last edited by Indy Anna Jones on November 18th, 2010, 1:20 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Members and new members introduce yourself

Post by ADC »

Hola. I'm Alex.

I haven't released any courses yet, but I am currently working on two. One is Spirit Country Club, via the contest plot, and the other is Lakewood Country Club, a fictional club based off of a course that I grew up playing, with some tweaks.

I have some favorite courses here. BrianZ's work is amazing, especially Bull's Eye. Polstad's Augusta is fantastic, as well.

Indy Anna, I haven't played your courses yet, but will as soon as the downloads are up and running!

I live in Iowa, go Hawkeyes.

"It is all good and well to punish a bad shot, but the right to eternal punishment should be reserved for a higher tribunal than a Green Committee." Bernard Darwin on Pine Valley Golf Club.
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Re: Members and new members introduce yourself

Post by A Brandt »

My name is Adam, I'm 29 and live in Auburn Hills, MI. I've been playing PGA since 2000 and have never left it's side. I spend most of my time designing, but occasionally I'll play a few rounds and download some new courses. I love seeing new work from designers and I'm always finding new inspiration from this community. Since I joined I have released a number of courses and am currently participating in the design contest.

So welcome to all the new members and thanks to all the current ones for showing such great support for this game!
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Re: Members and new members introduce yourself

Post by Polslad »

Polslad reporting to mothership.

I live in England, quite near to Liverpool, and have been with PGA since my first PC.
Have dallied with Links, and even Tiger Woods, but this is where I've been the most.
Have messed with the architect a few times and released a couple of courses, (mostly tents and dead grass) :rolleyes: , and vow evertime upon completion of a course that that will be my last one (until the next one).
Nice to see you all here.

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Re: Members and new members introduce yourself

Post by Terry Grayson »

Well I guess Ill go next

Terry Grayson, live in Lawndale NC! I am 39 years old, and newly invigorated weight lifter ( I had to lose a bunch o weight) down almost 50 so far...I have been playing
this game since 1999...Decent designer, built a course or three along the way. Have met many wonderful people because of this site. I rarely play at all anymore,however
I read the forums every day. I miss all those long hours of play with Southern,Fab,Old Coot, Dar,Kelly,Dave and the gang...Maybe I will make it back one day...
I spend the majority of my days now playing with my children, working and singing in our gospel quartet. I found a new avenue in life to travel, and I love every second of it

Glad to see everyone still so interested..I love this game and all the people associated with it...
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Re: Members and new members introduce yourself

Post by scotty66 »

OK, my turn.

My name is Scott. I'm 62 years old and live just outside of Jackson, Michigan. I am retired after working in the telecommunications field for 35 years with different divisions of A.T.&T., mostly in digital switching systems and doing software updates to the processors.

I started playing computer golf in 1990 with Links:The Challenge of Golf and have bought every version since then. I also played PGA2000 and a few versions of Tiger Woods in years past. I have been one of the administrators of Links Corner (The MS Links Golf 2001 & 2003 fan site) since 2001. I must admit that Links 2003 has always been my favorite golf simulation, but I have always been open minder enough to try other games. When someone posted about the MyGolfer site at Links Corner, I thought I'd see what had been happening with PGA2000. When seeing that the game was still alive and well, I decided to join and possibly get back in the game. I really haven't played much of any golf games in the past couple of years and maybe this winter will encourage me to get back into playing.

You guys have done a great job keeping PGA2000 alive with this site and the old MyGolfer site. Also my thanks to the designers for doing the same.
Last edited by scotty66 on November 18th, 2010, 2:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Members and new members introduce yourself

Post by BrianZ111 »

I'm Brian, I'm 26, and I'm from Wisconsin (Go Badgers! Hope you don't hold that against me and still like my courses Alex :laugh:)

I played this game from the very first version called FPS: Golf. It was the mouse swing that kept me with it all these years. I've grown to like Custom Play Golf so I don't play this game as much now but still play occasionally. This community has been great and I didn't want to see it die off because of the problems at MyGolfer so that is the primary reason for building this site.

As mentioned I've created several courses, mostly real course renditions of courses in my local area. I have one course in progress (Peninsula State Park Golf Course) that I do hope to finish yet, probably over the winter. I also have a personal site with tutorials, custom art, etc. that are aimed to help course designers based on the experience I had creating courses.
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Re: Members and new members introduce yourself

Post by tincup »

First of all welcome everyone to the new site :wavey:

My name is Dar Brown and I live in Troy, Michigan (suburb of Detroit). My education is in mathematics and computer science and my working career was in Information Technology management. Now retard... I mean retired.

I love the game of golf but can't play the real game any more because of arthritis. PGA2000 is about the closest you can get to the real game and it allows me to get my daily golf fix. I play regulary with a group of renegade sharpshooters on the Kali site. They beat my face in most of the time, but this game is still the most fun you can have in a vertical position. We have a blast.

I am not a course designer myself, but have "fooled around" with the architect enough to know how difficult it is to produce a great course... and we have many in our 1,600 course inventory. Thank goodness, we still have a hard core group of designers who are willing to spend time designing courses. Those are the folks who help keep this game alive. Thanks guys and gals.

A few years ago, I got involved in doing maintenance to the Mygolfer server and I guess it is a good thing I did. All the administrators active at that time have scattered to the wind. The straw that broke the camel's back was when Mirage, the web master, disappeared for good. With him went the course server and we were dead in the water except for the forum and I suspect the days of that forum are numbered too.

I certainly don't want to see this game or this community die. That is why I am delighted that this new site is coming on line. Hats off to Brian Zager for doing the website work for us. Without him, this wouldn't be happening. Thanks again Brian.

Being an old IT guy, I am a fanatic for backing stuff up. I have triple backup on all courses, libraries, Miscellaneous files and screenshots. That makes it easy for us to rebuild our world on a new site. All that stuff will be coming back on line soon.

God willing, this site should be around for some time to come. I have already had a couple offers from people volunteering to back me up in case I have to be gone for some reason.

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Re: Members and new members introduce yourself

Post by EasySwing »

To Start off! Great job! Green Jacket to Tincup and BrianZ
much appreciated on the overtime put in to keep the game going!
dont wana be last inline! 1st ever online post!....dont get up! just passing thru the area!.........4!
i'm ol porch puppy here,
age 55,married,disabilty forced retired,7 kids....and like ADC i live in Iowa too,
please excuse Adc if i cant yell go Hawkeyes!(son would kill me) goes to ISU, so its the Cyclone stuff here!
the other half is originally from Wisconsin (she has the bragging rites off the tees!)
been playing off an on since PGA2000 hit the shelves, still got the orginal box and manual
the off and on part is between Linux and that other OS...Windows.....cant get PGA to swing on the linux desktop yet, Windows on a laptop for game play,
and its just great to see so many ppl still involed it this game, and like everyone else, havent seen or found any to take its place!
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Re: Members and new members introduce yourself

Post by LinksLegend »

I'm Duncan, and have been skulking around since 99. I'm a massive sports fan in general but golf has become the main sport I play as I've got older. I'm a (Glasgow) Celtic fan but try and get to a regular Spurs game living in London.

I have this game to thank for what has become a real passion for golf course architecture. The course architect is still one of the most flexible, usable, yet robust ways of recreating the game of golf. Other games have subsequently provided better photo-realism or 3D capabilities but none I think have ever captured the 'feel' of the real game of golf better, and can only imagine that's why we are all still here! :D

The sites supporting PGA have come and gone for various reasons but the following has stayed strong, so here's to another 10 years!! :first:

Thanks again to Brian and Dar for securing the next iteration of the PGA community - amazing work gents :cheers:
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