WorldSwing World Tour 23-24/Recorded Rounds with Tarheel

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Re: WorldSwing World Tour 23-24/Recorded Rounds with Tarheel

Post by tarheel »

WorldSwing Week 11
Second Weekly Venue
Tasmanian Devil

Where are we?
Australia, Bushlands

We will stay in Australia proper for two rounds at Tasmanian Devil "The Taz" which is a 2013 Golden Bear Den group design, which boasted 29 talented designers. I was on hiatus from the game at the time of its release, so I don't remember any forum discussions around it, or how it all got started, etc. but what I can testify to is the wonderful outcome. This golf course is visually amongst one of the best for our game AND its very challenging. In general, I've found most of the group designs for JN6 to be fantastic efforts, and how I wish we could go back in time and get more of them. Enjoy your rounds here and say a prayer for those no longer with us.


CONDITIONS :thumbsup:
Round 1: Medium - Hard - Pin 2
Round 2: Mild - Normal - Pin 4

No gimmes (recommended)
No mulligans (recommended)
BLACK tees
Medium or faster meter
I am playing each round once and taking what I get

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Tarheel’s current hcp: 9
Tarheel's .round files Image
What a great looking par 3! Number 12.

Approach shot on number 16 with a huge horseshoe bunker

From the green, long par 4 number 4

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Re: WorldSwing World Tour 23-24/Recorded Rounds with Tarheel

Post by tarheel »

WorldSwing Week 12
First Weekly Venue
Royal Melbourne Composite Course

Where are we?
Melbourne - Victoria, Australia

Royal Melbourne Composite Course by Chris Clouser is a real course rendition which went through a few revisions before the current release and is dated June 2000. The course dates back to 1891 and is considered one of the finest golf courses in Australia and in the world. The original west course is an Alister Mackenzie (Augusta, Pasatiempo, Cypress Point, Lahinch, etc) design and with the hosting of the Canada Cup in 1959, 12 holes from the West course were combined with 6 holes from the East course to create this composite course. Chris's version has very tricky greens with serious slopes and distances to keep you at the mid-long iron approaches, but wide fairways that are forgiving of slight tee inaccuracy. Enjoy your two rounds here.


CONDITIONS :thumbsup:
Round 1: Medium - Normal - Pin 3
Round 2: Mild - Hard - Pin 2

No gimmes (recommended)
No mulligans (recommended)
BLACK tees
Medium or faster meter
I am playing each round once and taking what I get

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Tarheel’s current hcp: 9
Tarheel's .round files Image
From the tee on hole 4

From the green on hole 16

Hole 6, approach shot being taken in the distance; we are off to the right from tee

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Re: WorldSwing World Tour 23-24/Recorded Rounds with Tarheel

Post by tarheel »

WorldSwing Week 12
Special Event: Turkey and Stuffing
Cathedral Rock

Where are we?
We are in New Hampshire

I'm a day late for our Thanksgiving special event as I was with family out of town all day yesterday. So here is this years special event with beautiful fall colors in New England. Here, we play in a place called Cathedral Ledge in New Hampshire. Dale Somerfelt and Lee Gordon released this beautiful course August of 2001. Cathedral Rock, as they call it, claims to have photographs of many dozens of trees from the midwest and New England which they used as customs for the design. It is fictional, par 71 and a forest course in rolling hills, 6526 yards.

Overall, its a fair challenge and moderately difficult. Not all tee shots are equal, because misplacing them can get you an obstructed shot into greens. I think overall you will really enjoy play here.


CONDITIONS :thumbsup:
ONE ROUND: Medium - Soft - Pin 5

No gimmes (recommended)
No mulligans (recommended)
BLACK tees
Medium or faster meter
I am playing each round once and taking what I get

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Tarheel’s current hcp: 9
Tarheel's .round files Image
Hole 7, par 3, viewed from the green (great water work)

Play near the green up the hill on hole 9, coming in to the turn.

Tee shot on the par 4 number 11

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Re: WorldSwing World Tour 23-24/Recorded Rounds with Tarheel

Post by tarheel »

WorldSwing Week 12
Second Weekly Venue
Sea Spray

Where are we?
Victoria, Australia: We are at Seaspray, along the coast

Back from Thanksgiving and well fed, its time to get back on the tour in Australia. This time, we are playing Seaspray Golf Course by Stuart Hill. To the best of my knowledge, this is the only course on record for this designer. It was released in September 2003, and is par 71 6556 yards seaside course as the name implies. Water is in play a bit, but not too threatening, and keeping it down the middle should allow for approaches into fairly straight-forward greens (at least on pin 1).

I would have liked to see Stuart design other courses, because for a first try, this is pretty good.


CONDITIONS :thumbsup:
Round 1: Medium - Soft - Pin 1
Round 2: Medium - Soft - Pin 3

No gimmes (recommended)
No mulligans (recommended)
BLACK tees
Medium or faster meter
I am playing each round once and taking what I get

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Tarheel’s current hcp: 9
Tarheel's .round files Image
From the green, par 5, number 3.

Looking from above the tee area, par 3, number 6.

From the tee on number 15, par 5

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Re: WorldSwing World Tour 23-24/Recorded Rounds with Tarheel

Post by tarheel »

WorldSwing Week 13
First Weekly Venue
Savage Country Golf Club

Where are we?
Central Australia, somewhere in the Outback

It took longer than it should have to finally get some play on a course by our favorite Aussie champ, BradtheDad, that is actually IN Australia. He may be able to add some insights to the thread about this one, but it would appear to be in the Outback somewhere in the middle of Australia, a bit northwest of our adventures in Victoria. This course, Savage Country Golf Club is par 72 and 7377 yards, released in November 2002. His claims are that you will usually find moderate winds and fast conditions, which I promise you will come in round 2, but with the thunder rumbling during the round, and a weather check in the world, the opportunity arrived to give us exactly the opposite in round 1. Best make the best of round 1 though...

The course has very receptive fairways, which are amenable to putting some extra power behind, but don't stray off the short grass or you will have a tougher time of it. You are going to want precision approach shots getting onto the greens, because some of them will give you tough reads. However, there is good balance overall on the greens if you avoid really long putts.

Brad is a clearly wonderful designer even 21 years ago, because I love this course and its classic design elements. That background blends incredibly well with the rest of the course to really complete the package. There is nothing here that would not seem realistic in the real world, despite this course being fictional. I'd pay the green fees!


CONDITIONS :thumbsup:
Round 1: Mild - Soft - Pin 2 - 50%fog (some rain coming down)
Round 2: Medium - Hard - Pin 4

No gimmes (recommended)
No mulligans (recommended)
BLACK tees
Medium or faster meter
I am playing each round once and taking what I get

-------> ...

Tarheel’s current hcp: 9
Tarheel's .round files Image
Par 3, number 4, seen from greenside bunker.

Golfer out there preparing his second shot on the par 5, number 6

Great view off the tee on the par 4 number 12

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Last edited by tarheel on November 30th, 2023, 11:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: WorldSwing World Tour 23-24/Recorded Rounds with Tarheel

Post by BradTheDad »

Thanks for the nice comments Brad.

This was my second design for JN6, after Cypress Alley, and I was trying to provide golfers with targets that were reasonably easy to hit, but with enough elevation changes and undulations that they would have to think carefully about their aim points for each shot or putt.

There is nothing better for a designer than being able to free-lance and let the creative juices flow. I hope all the other players on the Worldswing World Tour enjoy the course as much as you seem to have.



PS: I must say, I was pretty chuffed that you chose the Par 3 I created on Tasmanian Devil as one of the holes you displayed in your write-up. :up:
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Re: WorldSwing World Tour 23-24/Recorded Rounds with Tarheel

Post by tarheel »

WorldSwing Week 13
Second Weekly Venue
Angel Falls Golf Club

Where are we?
Western Australia, somewhere in the southwest near Perth

Our next course, to finish our exploration of this region of the world near Australia, is in southwest of the Australian continent, and comes to us from Mr. "Aussierules" Lamshed. Our first of his was a few weeks back at Tennant Creek, and this one, Angel Falls Golf Club could not be more different. Release date is March 2006. Where the former was not terribly long, this course boasts 7951 yards of retribution. Par is 73 and the Par 4 holes will feel a lot like a par 5, because getting close to the pin is really really difficult. Straight shots from approach to the green are also not easy to find. Its also different in the textures and colors used, clearly defining this region as quite different from Tennant Creek. I really like the looks of the course overall, and this course shows a master of his craft at work. Play safely, and par on most holes is a great score.


CONDITIONS :thumbsup:
Round 1: Medium - Normal - Pin 1
Round 2: WHITE TEE - Strong - Hard - Pin 2

No gimmes (recommended)
No mulligans (recommended)
BLACK tees
Medium or faster meter
I am playing each round once and taking what I get

-------> ...

Tarheel’s current hcp: 9
Tarheel's .round files Image
Par 4, second shot on number 2. The large boulder cluster to the left will make several appearances on the course.

Hole 16, par 3...those golfers in front of you have been playing slowly all day, time to send them a Sicilian message

Hole 13, Par 4, seen coming into the green, which is to the left of the fairway. There is a nifty building off screen to your right (looking to green from fairway) near the green which you will only see under certain positions on the green. A nice special easter egg.

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Last edited by tarheel on December 3rd, 2023, 8:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: WorldSwing World Tour 23-24/Recorded Rounds with Tarheel

Post by Sundance »

Warren does a great job with textures and has the unique ability to capture the look and feel of a golf course!
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Re: WorldSwing World Tour 23-24/Recorded Rounds with Tarheel

Post by BradTheDad »

Warren was extremely helpful to me when I first started designing (coming from Brisbane as well). He has a very distinctive style that creates a very open feel to all his courses. Unfortunately, this was not a talent he could pass on to me. :/ We will certainly be paying homage to him on the Old Timers Tour as we move into our 2024 competition.


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Re: WorldSwing World Tour 23-24/Recorded Rounds with Tarheel

Post by tarheel »

WorldSwing Week 14
First Weekly Venue
Echo Ridge Golf Club

Where are we?
Cape Province, South Africa

Go west young man! Leaving Australia, its time to head to the horn of Africa, and we arrive at the fictional creation Echo Ridge Golf Club, South Africa at a place Lou Call identifies as Cape Province. This course was released in March 2004 and is par 71, 7101 yards. Big trees, tall hills and much shorter distances than last week greet golfers for a couple of friendly rounds. You will need to do some shot shaping at times to get the best landing. Lou only gave us a few courses for JN6.


CONDITIONS :thumbsup:
Round 1: Strong - Hard - Pin 3
Round 2: Mild - Normal - Pin 5

No gimmes (recommended)
No mulligans (recommended)
BLACK tees
Medium or faster meter
I am playing each round once and taking what I get

-------> ...

Tarheel’s current hcp: 8
Tarheel's .round files Image
Par 4, number 11, approach shot

Tee shot on number 4, par 4

Par 3, number 13 from the green back.

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