What's your opinion?

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What's your opinion?

Post by DC#1 »

When shooting over certain water textures does it detract from the distance of the club in hand? If so, what causes this? I understand about setting the properties in the course library, but with water you aren't coming into "contact" with the texture. So I ask again, what causes this to happen or is it all in my head. I'll bet you've guessed my opinion.
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Re: What's your opinion?

Post by Aceless1 »

I've experienced that same sort of "thing". A normal 7 iron should easily make it over water or some out of bounds area and I have to hit a 6 or 5. I've especially seen issues off the tee where long carries are required to reach some sort of fairway. I thought it was just my lousy "golf game"....
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Re: What's your opinion?

Post by BrianZ111 »

I've had this too but I'm pretty sure it's just psychological. Worried about making it we probably swing a little harder which throws the tempo off and actually makes it come up short. That's my theory anyway. If anyone would know for sure it would be the people who have made charts of every distance for every club/loft setting imaginable. Also the recreators wouldn't be effected by tempo since the game hasn't calibrated itself to their tempo yet so they shouldn't see this problem.
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Re: What's your opinion?

Post by SteveHorn »

I don't think it matters if over water or whatever. I'm a truswing person and I think I average 2 or 3 mysterious bad shots a round. My last round I hit a 6 wood 120 yards off the tee WTF. I have no idea what I did to hit a ball that crapy
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Re: What's your opinion?

Post by tincup »

Ahhh, the great debate. This subject has been discussed since the game was invented. Some people swear that there is "Heavy air" over water thereby causing a reduction in distance. That may be true to some degree in real golf, but not in this game.

Unless someone familiar with the game design tools can verify that there is a way to simulate "Heavy Air" over water, I am inclined to agree with Brian's explanation... it's psychological. A small change in swing tempo can cause some strange results.

Just my :2cents:

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Re: What's your opinion?

Post by Indy Anna Jones »

Many of us clickers have experienced the same phenomena. Lol, we're as crazy as the recrees and swingers so maybe it is all in our heads, or maybe there's something in the texture itself we're not noting; downslope, upslope, aim off a little bit so it actually needs a little extra carry? I don't know but I've experienced it enough times not to try to hit a pin that's just beyond the water.
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Re: What's your opinion?

Post by Polslad »

I just wish I had the concession on my lake balls!
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Re: What's your opinion?

Post by bryce »

tincup wrote:Ahhh, the great debate. This subject has been discussed since the game was invented. Some people swear that there is "Heavy air" over water thereby causing a reduction in distance. That may be true to some degree in real golf, but not in this game.
I think scientifically, Dar is right. A little more humidity can make for a slight difference in real life golf. I have noticed this before.

You can always play a course by Ho Lin Won that has water that bounces your ball across (can't remember which course).
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Re: What's your opinion?

Post by jwgriffingca »

Glad it's not just me! I've had my share of Tin Cup moments (Roy MacAvoy - not you, Dar!) on par threes over water where it seems like the ball just won't go anywhere!

(Engineer alert!) FWIW - moist/humid air is actually less dense than dry air. A molecule of water (2 hydrogen + 1 oxygen = H2O) weighs less than the primary molecules of air (nitrogen and oxygen) - so when water vapor displaces normal "air" molecules to form humid air, it makes it less dense than dry air. Therefore a golf ball should actually go farther in humid air... :up:

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Re: What's your opinion?

Post by Indy Anna Jones »

Bryce, that bouncy water is either Spirit Lake Mirage, Chilton Hills or Fab's Florida (SLM I think.) We used it on Alice Boge's Garden though we didn't notice its "unique" characteristic at the time. :eek:
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