Architect crush

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Architect crush

Post by LinksLegend »

Anyonr remember how to solve this issue in the architect? Could be down to points (it was a course 90% done nearing 540K points) or a library (there seems to be some missing textures in some spots) but it isn't solved by optimising layers / textures.

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Re: Architect crush

Post by LinksLegend »

Looks like all the elevation data is still there and not corrupted...

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Re: Architect crush

Post by LinksLegend »

So... two "uninstalled libraries" come up under course properties. Also - if I delete all objects the issues goes away BUT I spent too many hours planting - not randomly but with many, many custom objects in specific places - to even face having to do it all again... Maybe I'll have to. However problem is arch still reference these uninstalled libraries and a few tee textures have gone wrong.

Any thoughts on how to resolve without deleting all objects?

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Re: Architect crush

Post by BrianZ111 »

I've seen this and I'm pretty sure this is something that sometimes happens when you try to load it with missing libraries. The fact that deleting objects fixes it leads me to believe the missing library is one you used objects from. I'm not sure but I think the cloaking tool may be able to tell you the name of missing libraries.

My other thought is you mention custom objects and if you planted an object that is no longer in your custom library I can imagine that could throw a similar problem. For example if your custom library had 6 objects in it, all used on the course, and then you deleted one in the library and saved it then all of the references to the sixth object may throw a wrench in things. In that case you could try adding objects to the library and see if it clears up. Obviously if you don't remember what they were you would end up with whatever new thing you put in the library wrongly placed out on the course somewhere though.

I think the simpler first answer is more likely though, it's the scenario I recall seeing it in before.
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Re: Architect crush

Post by LinksLegend »

Ugh. Thanks Brian - think you're right here. If I could somehow get rid of all references to libraries in the file - i.e. start planting from fresh, with just the elevation data, and one library I might be able to face it - but I'm never going to be able to chase the missing library references down. I started this thing nearly 10 years ago! :laugh: Will try the cloaking tool next...
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Re: Architect crush

Post by BrianZ111 »

Not sure if the library needs to be installed for the cloaking tool to identify it or not. If it does, and you don't mind sending your architect file over, I have hundreds of libraries installed on my Windows 7 computer yet. We might get lucky and I'll have them all installed already and I'll be able to tell you what they are.
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Re: Architect crush

Post by LinksLegend »

Happy to send it if you don't mind trying to find it - that would be amazing Brian. Do I still send to brianz111@ email address?

Thanks bud
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Re: Architect crush

Post by LinksLegend »

Another thought - if I were to remove all objects and replace all textures with 1 from a stick library - would the library references disappear once it came to compiling? Thx D
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Re: Architect crush

Post by DC#1 »

Good to hear from you Duncan. Is that Krueger National? The screenshots back in the day looked amazing. Glad to see you designing again.
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Re: Architect crush

Post by LinksLegend »

Hey DC - good to hear from you too mate! Hope you and yours are safe and well.

Lockdown inspired to me trying to get it finished, but a library issue is holding it back... Hopefully I can identify and sort, and Brian is being as helpful today as he always was :)

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