Robert Wagers

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Re: Robert Wagers

Post by sandwedge »

May you see the Lord in all of this and may it be of comfort to you. His hope and help is eternal. Definitely pulling for you Robert!
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Robert D. Wagers
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Re: Robert Wagers

Post by Robert D. Wagers »

*** UPDATE ***
I am being discharged Tuesday or Wednesday! It will be so nice to go home! I have been in Nashville since July 31st and am SO READY to see Little Rock again! I am glad that I will be home in time for Thanksgiving!

I hope my little Allicat (Allison) remembers me! We have a lot of missed coloring sessions to make up for!

So glad that this all will soon be "behind me" and I can get back to a "somewhat life of normalcy!"

When I get home, I am gonna dust-off the ole computer and I'll start a new design project! Don't know exactly what direction I'll go in, but most likely It will be a fictional course of my own design!

Your Pal,
Robert D. Wagers
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Re: Robert Wagers

Post by tincup »


I am happy for you that you get to spend the holidays at home.

How are things looking now, re the marrow transplant?

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Re: Robert Wagers

Post by Robert D. Wagers »

tincup wrote:
How are things looking now, re the marrow transplant?
The transplant has finally "kicked-in." My blood counts have stabilized and are all within "normal ranges!" :up:

I actually had my central line pulled out today; One step closer to going home on Tuesday. I feel like I was set-free from the "Ole Ball-and-Chain!"

I am finally feeling like "A New Man!" I feel GREAT and have no symptoms at all right now!

What a journey this has been! It has brought-on emotions ranging from utter despair to extreme jubilation!

Your Pal,
Robert D. Wagers
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Re: Robert Wagers

Post by SteveHorn »

Wagers ! THATS GREAT NEWS. Just curious, but back on 11/8/11 you posted about 3 possibilities of a bloodcount problem. We all are happy to here that it wasn't #3 but what was the problem?
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Re: Robert Wagers

Post by DC#1 »

It's great to hear that you'll be home for the holidays,with all the people you love. What a huge blessing that is. I think we all take life for granted, until something happens. It's not about money or careers, but the little things like spending time with your loved ones and telling them that you love them every day because tomorrow they may not be there. :D
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Robert D. Wagers
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Re: Robert Wagers

Post by Robert D. Wagers »

I MADE IT HOME!!!!!! and I feel GREAT!!!!!!

We actually got to leave a day early.

Steve Horn: It turned out to be a drug interaction. They changed one of my meds and the very next day my counts went up really well! You wouldn't believe the number of drugs I have to take each day! It's a lot of "pill-poppin!"

So glad to be home! It was a very long 4 months!

the VA-Vanderbilt medical staff was "World Class!" I knew the entire time that I was in the very best hands!
Thank GOD for giving them the knowledge and ability to perform this medical miracle on me!

I feel better than I have IN YEARS!!!! What a difference!!!! I feel like new man!

Your pal,
Robert D. Wagers
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Re: Robert Wagers

Post by tincup »

Well Bob, I guess this Thanksgiving will have a truely special meaning for you and your family.

Cudos to your family too. They have to be made of strong stuff to endure this nightmare and still smile. Most of us cannot begin to imagine what you have been through. It is awesome that you have a great result with the transplant. I couldn't be happier for you. :up:

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Re: Robert Wagers

Post by Stan Nehilla »

Our friend wage is feeling better.

One more thing to be thankful for on Thursday.

The best to you and your family, Wage.
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Robert D. Wagers
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Re: Robert Wagers

Post by Robert D. Wagers »

I am TRULY Thankful this year for this "new lease on life!"

I will never take "good health" for granted again!!!
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