Contest Course Progress

The course architect, design theory, and current projects.
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Re: Contest Course Progress

Post by SteveHorn »

Great looking course Robert@

With ADC and Robert@ saying they won't make the Midnight January 3rd new deadline I'm wondering how many will and who all is left. Are their any others out there that won't make the deadline? Just curious because if anyone else drops out I think we would have to concider a new even longer deadline (Which I don't want to do but may have to). Both ADC & Robert@ joined the contest late so I understand that they just did'nt have enough time.I'd like to hear an update from everyone left on their progress.
I'm in the final stages of more test play and should be done soon.
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Re: Contest Course Progress

Post by bryce »

I'm nowhere near where I should be with mine, but I could get it done by the deadline. However, it is the time of year when everyone spends all of their time with family, so who knows.

It would be good to hear from everyone else on their progress. In fact, let's acknowledge who is in the contest. Post a reply and state that you are designing a contest course, and if you need more time than the January 3 deadline. So far:

Adam Brandt: Finished
ADC: needs more time
Robert@: needs more time
Bryce: almost finished, but could use more time
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Re: Contest Course Progress

Post by ADC »

Spirit Bay was kinda a rushed effort just to get something done.I finsihed that course, but the routing greatly displeased me. Some holes were great, but the overal course was well below where I wanted it to be. I can upload the original one anytime, though it's rough, and I'm not real proud of it.

I will post some shots of what I'm currently working on. It's a large idea on a large "canvas," so I'm taking my time, and have no real interest in getting it all done by Jan, mainly because it involves two 18 hole golf courses on the plot. The whole idea of it is having two seperate but well done public courses, one of them major championship quality, and seeing how they interact on the same property, in the line of Bethpage or Torrey Pines. This was the idea that first came to my mind when I saw the plot, it's so amazing and full of potential.

I have the first few holes of the new project done, 1-3, 7, and 17 on the South course. I've named it Mille Lacs Kathio (North or South), after a state park in Minnesota with similar kind of terrain on the eastern edge.
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Re: Contest Course Progress

Post by Craigus10 »

I mainly have planting to do on my course. I just finished the bunkering last night on all holes. Still a bit of work to go though on general terrain.

I started a bit late due to work commitments and was doing a bathroom design course after hours.

It should make the deadline though, as I need to get it finished before the Christmas running around I have, plus I have a few rounds of golf lined up as I am on holidays from work as of the end of next week :bg:
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Re: Contest Course Progress

Post by SteveHorn »

I'm almost done test playing. Been making miner adjustments at this stage. Once I complete the test fase, all I have to do is finish my hole by hole info. I've got the front 9 of the hole by hole already complete. Keeping fingers crossed that I can upload in a few days.
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Re: Contest Course Progress

Post by bryce »

Should we change the deadline so Robert@ and ADC can participate? If it is just Craig, Steve, Adam and myself, it's not really the turnout we were hoping for.
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Re: Contest Course Progress

Post by Robert@ »

Dont let me be a delay in this...
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Re: Contest Course Progress

Post by LinksLegend »

I've still got 15 holes done but no computer. Should have it back on Monday and hopefully will be able to get done by Jan 2nd but it will end up being work/family permitting...

I think the question is if we were going to extend, how much extra would everyone need to finish. If it's a month or more we should probably keep to the Jan 2nd maybe?
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Re: Contest Course Progress

Post by SteveHorn »

Ok. I think we need to get a firm yes or no from people who need a little more time. If we extend the deadline 2 more weeks to say midnight January 16th ( is this enough time? ) I agree with Links that this is around the Max as far as extension. Is this new date going to do the trick or should we keep the Jan 2nd Midnight our firm extended deadline. Robert@, ADC & Links will this insure that you can finish your contest course? Thats 22 weeks from the start and that should be plenty of time.
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Re: Contest Course Progress

Post by A Brandt »

I agree that we need a firm decision on this. I, for one, would love to have everyone involved submit a course. If that means extending the deadline then so be it. So those of you who need more time, don't be shy! Let us know how much time you need to complete!
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