Brookgreen by Terry S Grayson [New Course]

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Brookgreen by Terry S Grayson [New Course]

Post by BrianZ111 »

Course: Brookgreen (33.2 MB)
Type: Fictional, Parkland
Designer: Terry S Grayson
Date: 12/23/2011
Images: Sp, #3, #9, #11, #17
Libraries Used: arrowheadgc, barrenhills, Glen_Haven_lib1, monticellomisc, pebblebeach, rdwsounds, woodfordpark
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Re: Brookgreen by Terry S Grayson [New Course]

Post by SteveHorn »

Well folks this is just another A list course By Terry. Although this isn't a perfect design what course is? Though I haven't played Heavens Stairway in awhile I did recognize the plot. I like this layout alot. I'm not sure that its better then Heavens Stairway, but It is very good. I did play on easy conditions in my quick match (S-N-S) and shot -8 (64) so you can score pretty well on this layout if you hit fairways and greens. There are some positives and negatives about Terry's choices for textures and grass objects.
The brown almost dirt looking texture in some areas looks really good. Exspecailly near some of the tree line or close to waters edge and a slope or hill. In some other areas it looks out of place exspeically if its got a green texture surrounding this brown texture on all sides. The same goes for some of the choice of grasses that are used alot on all 18 holes. If the grass is visable but at a distance it looks good but any close to the fairways or hit into just doesn't look real to me. I did like how he heavily planted grasses and schrubs throughout the trees. All in all those are minor things and I've already added this course on disc and look forward to playing in a tournament sometime in the future. HOW DO YOU DO THIS IN 3 WEEKS? :eek:
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Re: Brookgreen by Terry S Grayson [New Course]

Post by sandwedge »

The grass, the hills, the bunkers, the trees, the greens are all so fantastic in this design. The only negative for me is the pano - just did not like it. I wanted to be happy but the pano made me feel like it was about to rain on my parade if that makes sense. Terry's designs are easy enough for any one to play and hard enough to keep everyone coming back for more - this one being no exception! Thanks Terry for the early Christmas present - my daughters destroyed me on this course; -11, -9 to my -5 but hey, I just loved soaking the experience in!!! :)
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Re: Brookgreen by Terry S Grayson [New Course]

Post by Terry Grayson »

Thanks gentlemen for the reviews...I SO appreciate a review where a person does not sugarcoat it, and tells what they like and do not like..

Thats what makes it great and makes me want to keep on trying.... Thanks again .
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Re: Brookgreen by Terry S Grayson [New Course]

Post by spencerturner »

Terry is a premier designerto be sure but this course lacked "punch", that feeling you get on a few courses that makes you want to continue play and see what the next hole has to offer was missing. There was not a lot of excitement and too much sameness, in a word it was a bit boring. It did not match your efforts on Links Course at Hatteras , or Quail Hollow where I think you did some of your best work. I did like holes 3, 6 , 8 & 9 and the white birch trees. The pano selection did not lend a whole lot to the design. The bunkers were dissapointing in that they were not very well drawn , they did not have that menecing look to them and they lacked a noticable lip . It pains me to make these comments as Terry is a friend, a mentor and a class act but I know him well enought to know he will apprecieate an honest opinion. An earlier review rated this as an "A" Lister. I respectfully disagree and Terry, I dont think you would either. Spencer.
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Re: Brookgreen by Terry S Grayson [New Course]

Post by Terry Grayson »


Shoot bro, dont apologize for a review or your thoughts on a course... You know I love reading them good or bad.. I just appreciate a few words...

There are bunker lips I promise...They are exact size I make on every single course I build...They are there..LOL...Can I blame Adam for building such a great texture set and they blended that well? LOL....

When I decided to build this, I thought that I would strip it down to nothing but purely a round of golf..I didnt add any thrills or chills in there on purpose.. What my intent was , was to build a course that is just golf, but what I really wanted to do was to get everything in proper scale... I think I succeeded in that area, matter of fact I think I did my very best work getting the scale right....You are 100% correct it is a bit boring overall, but reminds me of some of the local courses around here (not much to them) ha ha ha.... One example of scale is to stand short of the bunkers on 4 and look toward the green, you can see for what seems like miles behind the green, you can see the other hole behind it, and everything to me anyway, it just set in proper scale... Thats what I was after...

I appreciate your thoughts 100 percent.. Probably nowhere close to my best on wow factor for sure..and you are also right it does lack Punch for sure... lol

Thank you for not sugarcoating it... Thats how I like it....
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Re: Brookgreen by Terry S Grayson [New Course]

Post by Polslad »

I liked it.
Sometimes a round of golf is a round of golf.
Has Terry become a prisoner of his own excellence?
If this was a release from a newer designer, I'm sure it would get rave reviews.
Terry stated it was a simpler design and a change from his normal layouts with gadzillion point counts and extreme landscaping.
I thought the textures looked good, plantings were good, views were pleasing on the eyes, greensites excellent, a Grayson trademark, nice rolling fairways, and a few risk/reward holes to make you think.
A througherly enjoyable 18 holes that makes a nice change sometimes from the challenges of extreme golf or 8000 yard championship layouts.
Relax, enjoy the walk, smell the flowers.
Just play it as it lays.

Off to Hawaii now to look at another new release.
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Re: Brookgreen by Terry S Grayson [New Course]

Post by Terry Grayson »

Thanks David

Exactly how I envisioned the course is what you stated...Sometimes I just want to play a course that is not packed with points and over-crazied with a bunch
of stuff...Just a round of Golf is all I wanted....

Thanks again everyone...I appreciate every word
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Re: Brookgreen by Terry S Grayson [New Course]

Post by LinksLegend »

I loved Brookgreen - understated, strategic, subtle. There's a lot going on here if you give it a few plays.

I really liked the 'feel' of it - which I guess means I liked the more open planting, views of other holes, and the fact it's just more natural than a lot of the spectacular courses which obviously please the eye. Here it feels like the course could actually exist as a members club and without every hole clinging to a crevace or cliff - and I think that makes it a refreshing change of direction and no less impressive.

I loved the textures, blends and complimentary planting - the technical work was top notch (goes without saying with Terry).

Holes I really enjoyed on the front were the gamblers 5th - a cracking drivable par 4, the breathtaking 7th - views from both the tee and the approach had me staring for a good few minutes (stunning!) and the picture-postcard 9th - it looks like a photo and I don't think there can be greater praise.

Holes on the back included another gorgeous postcard-worthy 13th and a great risk-reward hole on the 15th - really nice routing here.

For me an obvious A course, and I really valued the stripped back look, appreciation for scale and setting and more subtle design play. Well done Terry - hugely realistic and this will get a lot of play from me.
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Terry Grayson
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Re: Brookgreen by Terry S Grayson [New Course]

Post by Terry Grayson »

Thank you Duncan for the review.. Much appreciated...

Yes sir, My last (unknown count) of courses were ones where i packed the thing slap full of points, terrain, this and that... I wanted something like i would see around the house..

Thanks again everyone for the words..I do appreciate them all
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