Suffolk County Players Club West Course by JHS [New Course]

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Legend of Golf
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Suffolk County Players Club West Course by JHS [New Course]

Post by BrianZ111 »

Course: Suffolk County Players Club West Course (5 MB)
Type: Fictional, Parkland
Designer: JHS
Date: 7/30/2015
Images: #2, #8, #14
Libraries Used: metropolitan, woodfordpark
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Legend of Golf
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Re: Suffolk County Players Club West Course by JHS [New Cour

Post by Polslad »

I guess new releases are kinda like buses around here, you wait for ages with nothing, then two turn up at the same time.
Apologies in advance, but I don't think I know who JHS is, maybe I've missed some of his posts, but there are no course notes, so I'm assuming this is a first release?
If it is, it has a lot of good going for it.
Course is split between two identities, standard parkland and seaside scrub (?), with very little transition between styles.
Thre are a few blind teeshots, nothing wrong there, and I liked the extensive bunkering, there is a lot of sand on this course.
If it is a first design, JHS is showing a good understanding of the contouring tools, a few areas could have done with a little more smoothing, especially around the water hazards.
Some of the objects seem a little oversized (tee markers), and some of the plantings seem same-ish, understandable in early designs.
Some areas away from the playing areas seem a little barren and short of planting, giving them a wide-open unfinished look.
All and all, a very good layout for a fledgling designer.
A case of two opposites this week, one release from an 'old master' and one from a newbie.
This game just doesn't seem to want to die.
Keep them coming gents.
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Re: Suffolk County Players Club West Course by JHS [New Cour

Post by jhs »

Yes this is my first course release and I'm glad you liked it. I designed a ton of courses back when I played this game about 10 or more years ago but never released them. A couple of things, I did type up a bunch of course notes but forgot to upload them! Opps. Yes the course is intended to play as 2 distinct parts. I used the design contest plot from a while back and enjoyed the plot a great deal. That barren area mostly to the left of holes 15-18 is left blank because I'm actually using that side for another course similarly named that I may release soon.

I hope others download the course and enjoy it. Thanks for the feedback!
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