Shinnecock Library?

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Shinnecock Library?

Post by Polslad »

Anyone fancy creating a custom library for ShinnecocK?
Top of that hill is going to look pretty empty without the clubhouse.
Was thinking of using the Bethpage library to get the brown rough areas.
Shinnecock Clubhouse.jpg
(77.01 KiB) Not downloaded yet
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Re: Shinnecock Library?

Post by msmvet »

Send me the pictures of the objects you want to be in the library, and I'll be happy to contribute creating the lib. I'm doing Doral's so isn't a problem to do some extra photoshop work. :bg:
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Re: Shinnecock Library?

Post by Polslad »

(68.17 KiB) Not downloaded yet
Not looking for a full librbary, I think the Bethpage lib will supply what I need.
I just the clubhouse to sit atop the hill behind the 9th & 18th.
Got these from google.
(82.15 KiB) Not downloaded yet
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Re: Shinnecock Library?

Post by Pyecraft »

I found a couple of higher resolution pics and had a go for you Pols, placed them on my Snowdonia track to see how they looked and here's the results:
Shinnecock Clubhouse 1.jpg
(545.1 KiB) Not downloaded yet
Shinnecock Clubhouse 2.jpg
(458.36 KiB) Not downloaded yet
Not sure if you can use either of them, but let me know and I'll attempt a lib upload. Be my first time so anything could happen, lol. Good luck with your design, you are a machine my friend.

...update to include a couple of Shinnecock objects, will include them in the lib if you want.
Shinnecock objects.jpg
(550.1 KiB) Not downloaded yet
...added update is that I tried the uploader and set them anyway ... somewhere, lol. Maybe someone will find them, try see if they're the correct format, or even the right pictures, I seem to have lost 2 during the upload process. Filing has always been a huge mystery to me in PGA, aplogies if they messed up, just delete them if that happened, I'll leave it to the pros here. :mad:
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Re: Shinnecock Library?

Post by SteveHorn »

Pyecraft! If you sent them with the uploader just ask Dar or Brian if he received them or not.
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Re: Shinnecock Library?

Post by BrianZ111 »

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Re: Shinnecock Library?

Post by Pyecraft »

there ya go then, they made it through .... wow, thanks Brian/Steve. Interesting, but could a designer simply save these pics and use them direct in the creator? I've always thought they'd needed to be in a lib type file. Oh well, using the uploader tool was a cinch, it was only my filing placements which were diabolical, bodes well for when Snowdonia is finished, thanks again.
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Re: Shinnecock Library?

Post by Polslad »

OK, ready to finaly start planting and placing objects.

How do I get these images into the library?
Never createda library ever.
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Re: Shinnecock Library?

Post by DC#1 »

Hi David, was beginning to think somebody shut the lights off. Look in the utilities section and in the "copyright design tutorials 1" it has 3 or 4 tutorials pertaining to creating libraries. Hope this helped.
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