The Reserve @ Thunder Hill

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Re: The Reserve @ Thunder Hill

Post by Sundance »

This is an excellent looking design!
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Re: The Reserve @ Thunder Hill

Post by DC#1 »

Thanks, Sundance. I have been admiring your skills as a designer for a long time. Just caught up on my JN downloads yesterday. 4 of your latest designs.
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Re: The Reserve @ Thunder Hill

Post by DC#1 »

This program gets crazier all the time. I did work by 12 tee, just planting and then closed. Opened and compiled played 12 to look at recent planting, everything looked good. Played 13-17 no problem. I tee off on 18 just fine. I am in the fairway and proceed to expand the overhead camera and it crashes. I open it again but to the file before this one and go to 18 tee and expand the overhead camera, no problem and move it as far right (narrowest) it can go. I open up most recent one again go to 18 tee and hit my drive no problem. Then I start to expand the overhead camera to the left making it just a little bigger each time. I did this 4 times no problem, then moved it about the same amount as the previous 4 times and it crashed. I've never seen the overhead camera cause a crash. I didn't do any new work in that area. Maybe I should just close the overhead camera and play without it. Any ideas?
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Re: The Reserve @ Thunder Hill

Post by SteveHorn »

I never had any problems in the past using the overhead camera view. That being said I hardly ever use it anymore during play. I have my #0 button and #4 button on the keyboard set to different overhead views. The #4 is maybe 30' high and angled down maybe 15 degrees and the #0 button I have set much higher about 80 yards high and maybe 18 to 20 degrees down. I get a great view of my upcoming shot on #0. I also move my golfer a lot to near wear my next shot is going or to look at the green to see if I need to aim left or right of the pin if needed.
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Re: The Reserve @ Thunder Hill

Post by DC#1 »

It is the top view causing the problem. In practice mode it crashes on whatever hole I try to go to. I turn top view camera off and there is no problem. As soon as I turn it back on it crashes.
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Re: The Reserve @ Thunder Hill

Post by SteveHorn »

That is really weird. Can't say I've ever had that happen to me, but I never moved the overhead around like you do I just expanded it as needed. My game seems to crash almost every round I play in season mode. Have no idea why I just right click on my desktop short cut and hit continue to keep playing where I left off.
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Re: The Reserve @ Thunder Hill

Post by DC#1 »

More problems. I did a little planting and compiled to check things out. Starts to crash not even close to where I was working. Does anyone remember about 15 years ago the conflicting libraries problem? I saved my course and then created a new one and proceeded to delete all the 2D objects. Saved and then compiled. The course with no trees played all 18 holes. I know there are some libraries that have the same objects (tree). What if you used this tree from 2 different libraries. Could this be the problem? Really frustrated
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Re: The Reserve @ Thunder Hill

Post by SteveHorn »

Lagalochin Bay and Tulaichean Bay conflict but there could be others I don't remember. Many many libraries use the same objects, and I'd bet some do conflict but which ones and what objects is an unanswered question.
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Re: The Reserve @ Thunder Hill

Post by DC#1 »

Thanks, Steve. I had a file before the one that crashed. I compiled and played all 18 holes with no crashes. I will look at the trees I added on 13th fairway. That was the area that is different from the one that crashes.
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