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Using a Touchpad in PGA2000

Posted: April 9th, 2014, 12:27 pm
by stillgolfing
Has anyone played PGA2000 via a laptops touch-pad. This is my first ever Laptop PC. Finally got PGA2000 to run on my new HP Win8.1 laptop but it's unplayable as is (I'm a 3 clicker but true swing was just plain impossible), due to the inconsistency of the touch-pad. Touch and click are inconsistent and even though playing at amateur, where the swing bar is quite leisurely, there is too much of a delay (on those occasions where the touch or click is even recognized) between the touch and the recognition of same, which results in a series of missed swings. The only adjustment I could find for this (HP Envy) Laptop pad was the speed of the cursor in pixels per inch. I was hoping to be able to make both touch and click more sensitive to ensure recognition of same, and then also be able to reduce the response time between click and recognition in the game.
Thanks Dave

Re: Using a Touchpad in PGA2000

Posted: April 10th, 2014, 8:15 am
by stillgolfing
Further to the above, some good news. The erratic bar movement was apparently caused by some kind of graphic anomaly. It appears the default camera (where you get the huge player viewed from about 2 ft behind) in an HD (16/9) screen, puts the player's feet and consequently his shadow directly behind the swing bar. Consequently. when the swing bar is activated the shadow oscillates and the meter becomes erratic. The solution is to choose a camera view that places the player further away and hence further up the screen above the swing bar. Unfortunately there still occurred occasional stances and situations where even this camera placed the shadow or the players feet behind the bar. so I ended up turning shadows off. The players feet are still visible through the bar, but it doesn't create any kind of graphic anomaly. I also realized that the natural claw like hand I acquired from 31 years of using a mouse is not conducive to accurate touchpad operation so I am training myself to make a fist and rest it at the front edge of the laptop and do everything by swiping, clicking or touching with my index finger. I was able to play a full game at Cabo de Diablo, but my score was terrible. Really struggled with the touchpad trying to make those short clicks for putting and chipping. However, full swings are fairly accurate.
Cheers, Dave