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Game crashes when a 2d image is struck

Posted: March 10th, 2012, 5:37 pm
by ADC
I've been courses with lots of brush, and my game keeps crashing when a ball hit out of the fairway hits a 2d object. Anybody come across this before?


Re: Game crashes when a 2d image is struck

Posted: March 12th, 2012, 6:08 am
by tincup
That usually indicates some kind of library issue. Which course is giving you the problem?


Re: Game crashes when a 2d image is struck

Posted: March 12th, 2012, 6:29 pm
by ADC
It's one I'm working on, which is thusfar only using the Coos Bay libraries.

Re: Game crashes when a 2d image is struck

Posted: March 13th, 2012, 7:55 am
by tincup
Hmmm... not sure what to tell you here. Both the Coos Bay and Coos Bay Blends libraries have a modified date of 2/22/2002. Might check yours to see if you agree with that date. If not, you may need to re-download them.


Re: Game crashes when a 2d image is struck

Posted: March 14th, 2012, 6:32 pm
by Indy Anna Jones
Playing alone shouldn't matter as far as the date goes, dar; only online do you run into compatibility problems.

What it sounds like to me is that one of the objects/textures inside the library is corrupt. Can you pinpoint when you started to have this problem? Did you use a new text/object just before it happened?

Dar was putting you on the right path though in suggesting that you delete then re-download new libraries. That might eliminate the problem quickly and simply.

I'm not familiar with the number of objects/textures in those two libes, but there is a rather tedious way of finding a problem. First, determine where the problem is happening. Is it in just one spot, several, all over?

Now comes the fun part (not really.) Draw a circle, drop it, fill it in with a high contrast texture. (This is temporary so it doesn't matter what.) Now plant one of each of the objects you've used (if you're keeping track) or all of them within that circle.

Holding down the ctrl key, double click on an object inside the circle. This will highlight every identical object on your course. Is it in the problem area? If the object hasn't been used, delete it or move it to the side. Repeat the process until you've ID'd all the objects in play.

(My screen is jumping when I try to type, so I'll post this and continue on the next post.)

Re: Game crashes when a 2d image is struck

Posted: March 14th, 2012, 6:40 pm
by Indy Anna Jones
If you've got several objects forested in an area, the next step isn't going to be real easy. You can make a universal object change by doing the highlight step, then change object, then pick a new object and replace it; or you can simply delete all of the objects of that type. (BTW, MAKE SURE YOU'VE SAVED YOUR COURSE BEFORE YOU MAKE A CHANGE OR DELETION.)

For the next step, depending on your course size and compile speed, save your course with a new name or number, then compile (at this point I don't worry about sunspots so I don't waste time going out and returning.) Make a couple of shots and see if the problem continues or has been fixed. You might do 2 or 3 objects at a time; if it works at least you've isolated the problem to 1 of 3 objects.

After you've isolate the problem child, return to your original course, make the necessary change or deletion, and carry on. It seems like a lot of work but it's mostly just tedious. I've done a big library in under an hour covering the whole course.

Oh, to answer your original question: 1 tiny CDA rock held me up for a month on Alice Boge's Garden. One tiny yellow flower from Flowers3 led to A Fab Place.v2. I should have been so persistent in school!