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Re: Old Timers Competition

Posted: November 19th, 2023, 1:36 am
by BradTheDad
Hi Guys,

Robyn and I got back this arvo and have been running around like headless chooks getting everything out of the van, getting it off the road and washing and cleaning everything. We're supposed to have rain for the next few days, so that will give me a chance to catch up on scores.

I see Randy has already posted details for our next tournament, so hopefully we will get one or two events finished before we announce this year's FedUp Cup Champion.

I am really looking forward to watching your recorded rounds.



PS: Happy belated Birthday Brad. :party:

Re: Old Timers Competition

Posted: November 19th, 2023, 10:08 am
by JuanMenestrina
Third Round at the wetlands. Beautiful course, i really enjoyed it.


Re: Old Timers Competition

Posted: November 20th, 2023, 3:05 am
by BradTheDad
Hi Guys,

I have watched all the posted rounds and there has been some excellent golf played. Tarheel has been playing some magnificent approach shots and when they aren't as close as he would like, his putter has been on fire. Galen is playing consistently well, but an unfortunate visit to the water hurt his score in Rd 3. Juan has been playing really well from tee to green, but unfortunately, his putter has been costing him a lot of shots.

I can't post any results yet, as Randy is still to play his Rd 1 at Santa Clara Dunes. Even though everybody has completed Rd 2, the handicaps are based on previous round scores, so as yet, I can't calculate Rd 2 handicaps.

I've had a quick look at the courses Randy has picked for our next tournament and they are vastly different, so should provide their own specific challenges.



Re: Old Timers Competition

Posted: November 20th, 2023, 7:27 am
by RandyG
Oh Dear,

I thought I posted round 1, my bad! Played October 29th

Sorry fellas

Re: Old Timers Competition

Posted: November 20th, 2023, 8:13 pm
by BradTheDad
Hi Guys,

just watched Randy's Rd 1 against Galen. It was a close affair until Galen's putter destroyed his round on the back nine. Randy played really well and thus he won the Handicap and Stableford honours for this round.

Rd 2 was a tussle between Tarheel and myself. It was so close that we had to share the Handicap and Stableford honours for this round, with everybody else also tying in these events.

Scores for these rounds are below:





Re: Old Timers Competition

Posted: November 25th, 2023, 10:47 am
by Galen_Golf4676
First round on this very interesting course.

Re: Old Timers Competition

Posted: November 25th, 2023, 7:42 pm
by BradTheDad
Hi Guys,

just watched Galen's Rd 1 at Blacklick North, and what a good round it was. Excellent driving (except for one hole) and very accurate approaches, led to his best results in six rounds. I'm going to enjoy the challenge of playing against this round, on what appears to be a very interesting layout.



Re: Old Timers Competition

Posted: November 26th, 2023, 5:23 am
by JuanMenestrina
my fourth round at The Wetlands. A fun and pretty course.

Re: Old Timers Competition

Posted: November 26th, 2023, 5:24 am
by JuanMenestrina
i forgot the round.

Re: Old Timers Competition

Posted: November 26th, 2023, 11:20 am
by Galen_Golf4676
Round 2. I broke a personal record for visiting sand. :laugh: