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Re: The PGA 2000 diary

Posted: January 25th, 2021, 2:36 am
by Viper
smarshallt wrote: January 17th, 2021, 11:39 am In my practice rounds, I''m having enough challenge just on standard..but I'm sure it'll get better.
Going to change from advanced/tournament tees to standard and either amateur or pro tees. I've come to my senses! :laugh:
Can anyone tell me if there are any disadvantages using amateur or pro tees?

Maybe one day I can switch to advanced but too early just yet. What did most people generally tend to use in the past standard or advanced?

Re: The PGA 2000 diary

Posted: January 25th, 2021, 5:31 am
by Polslad
I'm still getting the occasional 'tournament completed' message, usually mid tournament, sometimes if I exit the game and go back in it corrects itself, one time I couldn't get past it and had to abandon my season.
I've looked at the dates in edit season mode as suggested, all the tournaments are in chronological order, but I have noticed the actual 'day' date is the same for all 4 rounds. If I change it it changes all 4 to the same one.
Is this correct?
It's a bit frustrating to get 10 tournaments into a season then hit a wall.

Re: The PGA 2000 diary

Posted: January 25th, 2021, 12:12 pm
by BrianZ111
Viper wrote: January 25th, 2021, 2:36 am
smarshallt wrote: January 17th, 2021, 11:39 am In my practice rounds, I''m having enough challenge just on standard..but I'm sure it'll get better.
Going to change from advanced/tournament tees to standard and either amateur or pro tees. I've come to my senses! :laugh:
Can anyone tell me if there are any disadvantages using amateur or pro tees?

Maybe one day I can switch to advanced but too early just yet. What did most people generally tend to use in the past standard or advanced?
In online play most people played advanced/tournament. I liked to change up the tees sometimes for variety but I always played advanced level. I can't speak to what other offline players did as I wouldn't know. My average score when I was playing regularly was around even par and would usually fall somewhere between 5 over and 5 under. I'm a mouse swinger though. Clickers were usually a little better I think. Mouse swingers who used a straight edge were better too.

I think it was Terry Grayson who had a good tutorial about how he played using 3 click that might help you but unfortunately it doesn't seem to be on our site. He still drops by here occasionally so maybe he'll post something. Otherwise I think it's fine to play standard ability. Do whatever is fun for you. Back in the day I occasionally played games with my dad where he'd play standard/middle tees and I'd play advanced/tournament to make it a good match because he rarely played the game and wasn't as good as me.

Re: The PGA 2000 diary

Posted: January 25th, 2021, 2:49 pm
by Viper
Polslad wrote: January 25th, 2021, 5:31 am I've looked at the dates in edit season mode as suggested, all the tournaments are in chronological order, but I have noticed the actual 'day' date is the same for all 4 rounds. If I change it it changes all 4 to the same one.
Is this correct?
Yes, that's how mine is. I set mine up to just start from January 1st and then add a tournament every 7 days. Haven't had an issue since I started doing this. You may want to check how far apart your tournament dates are. No idea if the game would do this but maybe if you play 4 rounds you need a 4 day separation before the next tournament starts to enable the 4 rounds to be played. In my case for example, Jan 1st to Jan 4th would be used by the 4 rounds and if I set the next tournament to start January 3rd, maybe this causes the issue? Can't think of anything else that may make it screw things up.

Until you have it sorted, maybe best to just backup your Seasons, Players and maybe Save folders before each tournament. If anything goes wrong you can just revert to the last played tournament. I do this all the time for PGA and Links so if I hit a course that has something silly about it that may totally ruin my season I can revert.
BrianZ111 wrote: January 25th, 2021, 12:12 pm My average score when I was playing regularly was around even par and would usually fall somewhere between 5 over and 5 under. I'm a mouse swinger though. Clickers were usually a little better I think. Mouse swingers who used a straight edge were better too.
I'm still getting use to the chips and putts and losing quite a few strokes around the greens. I know that'll really improve with experience but I'm also missing the snap too much. I'm thinking even when my skills improve it may be tough to hold par. I'd like to shoot ideally a 4 under average.
I might switch to standard till I start shooting scores that are too low. With standard I can at least use all the various condition settings that will toughen things up. If I did this now and mixed conditions on advanced I'd shoot 10 over or more every round I think. :laugh:

Because I also play Links, I think my timing gets thrown off a little switching between games. Standard may be best for me but I'll see how it goes...

Re: The PGA 2000 diary

Posted: January 25th, 2021, 8:07 pm
by DC#1
Here is that tutorial Brian was talking about.
Tri-Click Tutorial


By Terry S. Grayson

First off I must begin by saying this. I am not a great golfer. I have begun to shoot in the range from anywhere around -2 to -17 at any given time. (Depending on the conditions lol) (I have gotten pretty decent at 3 clicking thanks to some great tips and help from Chris Cassetty. So I am writing this tutorial to thank him, and to help my lowly partner Southernrepub, whom I have listened to whine every night this week because he forgot how to swing using True swing.

These tips will sound a little awkward, and you will think that there is no way that is supposed to work, but trust me, I felt the same way that night Chris was giving me tips, but have since learned that it works every single time. I started playing on the Online ladder about a month ago. I had been a True Swinger for four years. I could not shoot under par, and started out losing 30 out my first 33 games. I wanted a change, I knew I was capable of playing a little better than that. I asked Chris for some help and he graciously and patiently played a round with me, and his help turned my game around.

Since his help, I have made the finals in two tournaments (losing both however) lol. I have started winning a few matches here and there, but that is of no matter. What does matter is that I have started having fun playing this game again. Especially after whooping Southernrepub by 23 shots on HIS HOME COURSE...LOL...Sorry pal, had to throw that in there. So fans here are the tips Chris Cassetty gave me ,and I hope if any of you decide to try it ,that you get the same satisfaction.

The three click swing has of course the meter at the bottom. It is broke down into three aspects.

1.The starting point (first line)
2.The midway point (Distance control how far the meter rises)
3.The finishing point (first line again for straight, slice, draw...etc)

First off I always start off with this pre-shot routine. Every time, Every shot.

This is for drives, approach shots, and chipping (Trust me it will go straight if you use this technique)

1. Click on the feet for shot setup.
2. Click on fade then click done.
3. Immediately use arrows and click 3 spaces right (fade will pull the golfer to the left) SO straighten up.
4. Decide how many more clicks you will need LEFT/RIGHT depending on wind.

Now you are ready to begin the swing.

1. Click left mouse to start the swing.
2.I let it go all the way to the right passed the line, then click again to start the downswing.
3.I play a draw from this point. When the meter gets close to the (finishing point.. See above)

Stop the meter just to the right of the finishing line. Like you are playing a draw. It will go straight as an arrow. (trust me).

This technique is SO much easier to use than to try and stop the downswing on the little line, and using it will guarantee straight shots.

Using this as well as loft, and you can put the ball within 8 to 12 feet of the cup more often than not.

Now how to use three click with putting.

Again friends, I am no expert at this, and my putting absolutely stunk using true swing. I am getting a little better each day using this technique I am about to explain and it works very well. It has made a world of difference to me.


Straight Putts. (I call it the slice putt)

Here is how to make a straight putt without trying to stop the meter dead on the line.

1. When lining up. Immediately use arrows and click 3 or 4 spaces to the right.
2. Left click mouse to start putt, click again for distance.
3. Here is the key now.....Instead of trying to stop dead on the line, let the meter go to the left of it, (like playing slice) then click.

Since you have initially clicked 3 or 4 spaces right this technique will make the ball so straight and you will find the cup.

Left Breaking putts

When you get to the green and see that you have a left breaking putt here is how to putt it without worrying about hitting the (finishing line).

1. Say you have a putt that is 20 feet, with a moderate break to the left.
2. I immediately use my arrows and click 4 clicks to the right. (like above)
3. I then count the break lines between me and the cup (not always, but useful when they are deep breaks)
4. After counting break lines, I divide the number by two, and click this many more times to the right. (for instance,..(.I have clicked my initial 4 clicks right) the I count 10 break lines to the cup. I divide 10 by 2 which is 5 and click 5 more times to the right (more or less depending on conditions).
5.I left click to start the putt...Click again for my distance.

6.The final click ,STOP the meter to the left of the line again and normally you will find the bottom of the cup.

Right breaking putts

Right breakers are a little different. I have done a lot of experimenting lately and found this to pretty much be the norm.

For slight right breaks, I leave the golfer straight ahead (no clicks left or right) and place the slice putt. Normally it goes right in. For moderate breaks, this can get tricky. I normally click two or three clicks left, then play the slice putt again.

For heavy breaks I have been known to click 4 or 5 times left....Then play the slice putt and it usually has pretty good results.

(Right breakers to me take more practice. They are a little trickier like I said, but it is much better using this technique than trying to stop the putt dead on the finishing line every time.

Give these techniques a try friends and let me know what you think, good ,different ,or otherwise.

Like I said, I am no expert, but these techniques have definitely worked for me.

Thanks and have a great day.

Terry S Grayson

Re: The PGA 2000 diary

Posted: January 25th, 2021, 11:26 pm
by Viper
Thanks DC#1.
Haha, that's almost a kind of a chart equivalent/cheat sheet for PGA 2000. Not sure I could use those techniques after a quick read. I'll keep it in mind though, it's always a choice and choices are good to have.

Re: The PGA 2000 diary

Posted: January 26th, 2021, 6:56 am
by Polslad
Thanks Viper for the dates advice.
Will check it out later.

Re: The PGA 2000 diary

Posted: January 27th, 2021, 8:27 am
by Polslad
Not getting anywhere.Error message keeps appearing mid-tournament.
Set a new season up, spaced all the dates as suggested.
Got the error message after one round!
It's a shame, I was really enjoying playing again, but this might just be a deal breaker.

Re: The PGA 2000 diary

Posted: January 27th, 2021, 10:46 am
by Viper
Only other thing I can think to try is to run the game exe as admin. For safety sake I would also set it to run Win 8 compatibility. Win 10 may be screwing things up if PGA is not run as admin. Make those changes then you will have PGA set up same as I do. The run as admin aspect often can stop games saving or other strange things happening within the game on Win 10 depending on the run as admin setting. Problems can be far greater than any other operating system.

I’ve only run tournaments since I had the exe set as admin and it has behaved perfectly as on past operating systems. I would definitely give this a try before you give up on it.

Re: The PGA 2000 diary

Posted: January 27th, 2021, 12:40 pm
by Polslad
Hi Viper,
Firstly,thanks for your help in trying to fix my bugs.
Now, I have ticked the run as administrator box and put compatibility mode to Win 8 as suggested, so now the game only recognizes stock courses, nothing else.
When I uncheck the administrator box, the custom courses are back.
Will run in Win 8 only for now, see how far I get.