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Re: Old Timers Competition

Posted: April 20th, 2023, 10:54 pm
by BradTheDad
Impressive round Goran. All threes and fours, and if your putter had been a bit friendlier you would have scored in the low sixties. I really enjoyed watching it.



Re: Old Timers Competition

Posted: April 21st, 2023, 4:18 am
by JuanMenestrina
My second round, first time on this course. Excellent choice, really fun. Juan

Re: Old Timers Competition

Posted: April 21st, 2023, 7:07 pm
by Galen_Golf4676
Round 2 at Absinthe played with Göran's. A pleasant course with a fair number of challenging holes.

Re: Old Timers Competition

Posted: April 21st, 2023, 8:35 pm
by BradTheDad
Hi Juan and Galen,

just watched your two rounds together. Really close contest, with Galen just pulling away on the back nine. Both scores were really good however, to the extent that they changed both of your handicaps.

I did notice however from the replays that you may have "Gimmies" turned on. If so, could you please turn them off, as "Gimmies" don't apply in Stroke play.

On to Aussie Links GBC.



Re: Old Timers Competition

Posted: April 22nd, 2023, 5:03 am
by Galen_Golf4676
BradTheDad wrote: April 21st, 2023, 8:35 pm
I did notice however from the replays that you may have "Gimmies" turned on. If so, could you please turn them off, as "Gimmies" don't apply in Stroke play.
Sorry, didn’t read your first post in this thread. Will do. FYI, gimmies were allowed on the honors tour.

Re: Old Timers Competition

Posted: April 22nd, 2023, 10:51 am
by JuanMenestrina
My third round, what a beautiful course!!! really fun.


Re: Old Timers Competition

Posted: April 24th, 2023, 1:02 am
by BradTheDad
Hi Guys,

here's my Rd 4 at Citadel for you to play against.



Re: Old Timers Competition

Posted: April 24th, 2023, 7:48 pm
by tarheel
I'll be playing some of my rounds this week.

Re: Old Timers Competition

Posted: April 24th, 2023, 9:58 pm
by BradTheDad
Hi Galen,

I know we're a little way out from finishing this tourney, but would you like to pick the course(s) and conditions for our next tourney?



Re: Old Timers Competition

Posted: April 24th, 2023, 10:58 pm
by BradTheDad
Hi Guys,

raining here today, so managed to get my rounds finished. Here's my Rd 3 at Australian Links GBC. These were three tough courses, that required some good course management to score well. Great choices Goran. Can't wait to see what Galen comes up with.

