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Re: Members and new members introduce yourself

Posted: November 18th, 2010, 5:46 pm
by spencerturner
I 'am Spencer from Morgantown West Virginia, home of West Virginia University. I was Purchasing Agent for the University for 34 years. I retired at the age of 58 and am currently 76. Been playing the game since about 2000 and have designed a few courses. My current interest are in gardening and woodworking and helping my brother restore antique classic cars. Met some very fine folks in t his club over the years. Sincere thanks to Dar , Brian and others for saving "our thing" for all to enjoy for many more years. Spencer.

Re: Members and new members introduce yourself

Posted: November 18th, 2010, 7:06 pm
by Craigus10
I'm Craig, I'm 32 years old and I live in Perth, Western Australia. I'm married and have 2 little boys. My family are the most important thing in life to me.

Other than that, I have played PGA since it came out, and have designed a few courses for the game, a few more of late as I have been able to manage my time better.
I have tried a couple of the other golf sims, mainly Links and TW and designed a couple of courses on TW. Prefer the play of PGA and also prefer the architect program of PGA. I did lose contact after the copyright club server went down, and with having the 2 littlies running around, just didn't ahve time for PGA as much.

I play golf in real life a couple of times a month, just when time permits. About a 15 handicapper, which if I had the time I would love to get down to single figures. I prefer spending my spare time with my wife and kids, as the kids grow so quickly. I love doing ome handyman type things, building small furniture, skirting and things like that. I also enjoy gardening and photography.

Well done everyone on keeping the game alive!

Re: Members and new members introduce yourself

Posted: November 18th, 2010, 8:05 pm
by ADC
Ah, EasySwing...sigh...Cyclones...oh, well, if your kid goes there, I guess I won't make too big a deal about it.

And LinksLegend, you have hit dead on about feel. There's no magic button in this game. Sure, in TW it's fun putting crazy spin on the ball to make sure you get it close, but really, once you master that, you'll never shoot above par again. And I totally share your passion for course architechture.

Re: Members and new members introduce yourself

Posted: November 19th, 2010, 6:24 am
by Stan Nehilla
I'm Stan , 70 years young, the Old Coot my friend Terry Grayson referred to in his post.
Seems like I've been around forever.
I've tried every golf sim to come around and always remain with PGA2000.
This site contains the friendliest , most helpful people on the net, exampled by Brian & Dar. :up:

I've attempted a couple of courses and will continue on a slow pace as my arthritic hands allow.
I'll contribute any help I can.

I'm glad to be here. :) :) :)

Re: Members and new members introduce yourself

Posted: November 19th, 2010, 9:21 am
by bryce
Hi all, I'm Doron (pronounced der-own). The user name Bryce is my late grandfathers name. If I ever have a son he will inherit the name. I'm 34 and live in North Carolina, about 30 miles from Terry. I love sports, video games, movies, music, working out etc. I've been playing PGA 2000 since late 2000 when I bought the Titanium Edition. I've been a part of the community since 2001, and will gladly remain. I occasionally do older course reviews called 'Oldie but Goodies,' which I will jump right back into when the course downloads are available again. I have designed a few courses, and played almost all of them. With over 1,600 to choose from, it takes a while to figure out which ones I have missed!

Re: Members and new members introduce yourself

Posted: November 19th, 2010, 4:06 pm
by R. S. Barker
Looking forward to this new site Ladies and Gents, excellent work 8) As to me?

I'm R.S. Barker, 46, College Junior and certified PGA 2000 freak. I started with the game in 1999, after enjoying Golden Bear Challenge.

I'm responsible for a a few real courses like National Golf Links of America and Portmarnock Golf Club, along with Royal Valley: Ramses and a few other fictional designs. I owe a large amount to George Bahto ( Golf Architect) for driving me to understand and learn about what Classic Golf Course Design is, and how best to retain it's grandeur by understanding it's roots. I've converted the site I had on the subject to a full flash site and made it available in the archives for interested parties along with a few other items like, a Full Ryder Cup (for offline play), the President's Cup (same), a set of Mini-Tutorials (collection of tutorials from the old forums collated together) and a few Seasonal Schedules.

My current interests are College, and continuing my Animation and Technology degree programs. Once I have both the Associates and Bachelors, it's on to study for the Master's so I may teach young and fruitful minds at the Collegiate level in the fine art of Computer Animation and Graphic Design.

Current (and agonizing) course I'm mucking about on is a recreation of The Lido Golf Club, a lost links course from the golden era of golf created by C.B. MacDonald and Seth Raynor - which sat out on the Long Island peninsula and opened for play in 1921, but was bought by the U.S. Navy prior to WWII. It's slow going due to my class schedule and also to having a serious case of designer's block at the end of the day. Will it ever see the light of day? Hopefully, at some point. 8)


Re: Members and new members introduce yourself

Posted: November 19th, 2010, 7:22 pm
by Ajfjr226
Hello All,
My name is Allen, 41 years old and I live in New Jersey. I am married and have two beautiful young girls. I love playing golf and when it snows out, the next best thing to playing real golf is to play PGA2000. I came across the old site and have d/l and played many courses. I have been partial to playing "real" courses but after reading some of the posts I am going to start d/l "originals" You guys and gals are AWESOME at designing these. I do not post much, if at all, but I am glad that Brian and the rest of the gang got this new forum started, and kept the other one running for as long as you did. I have tried to design my own courses, but after a few signature holes (which weren't as good as I have seen) I tend to get caught up playing more than designing. Hope to post more in the future, but for now, will just say hello.

Re: Members and new members introduce yourself

Posted: November 19th, 2010, 8:10 pm
by jwgriffingca
I'm John, 40 years old living in Indianapolis, Indiana. Engineer, married, father of two boys. IRL handicap of around 10.

Links is my preferred golf sim, but above all I'm a golf course architecture freak. I enjoy playing fictional courses more than real courses, because I like to see how everyday people approach the puzzle of creating golf holes and golf courses. So when someone posted some PGA2000 screenies on a Links forum last year, naturally I had to come over and get my fix for new material! I was a kid in a candy store, and found some very thoughtful and realistic designs. Granted, the graphics aren't as good as Links, but what kept me around (besides the new courses to check out) was the realism in the ball physics - especially the bounces on the ground - and the TruSwing mode, which I think is superior to the equivalent mode in Links.

As a design freak, I have two courses in the works on the Links side, but haven't attempted anything for PGA. Life is busy - family, work, etc - and I rarely get more than an hour or two on the weekend to spend on golf sims - sometimes I play, sometimes I design. So it's slow going on the design side but helps keep the creative juices flowing for someone who spends most of the day in a very black & white technical world...

I think that this is a much tighter-knit community than Links and that makes it a very friendly atmosphere. Very grateful and very impressed with the efforts of Brian and Tincup for coordinating the move. With that sort of energy and initiative I believe you will have no problem growing this game!


Re: Members and new members introduce yourself

Posted: November 19th, 2010, 9:19 pm
by Robert@
I`m 54 years old and the father of 5 and live in Michigan. I`ve been with PGA since 99 and and would have to say from day one designing courses is what drew me to this game. It was actually a gift from my family because before 99 I simply would scribble golf holes down on paper. I guess the wife and kids thought the house would have less clutter if I did my scribbles on a PC. They were right,but little did they know that for the next 10 or 11 years all they would see is the back of my head sitting at this computer building courses. I have done only one real course ( Oakland Hills) and thats because its a course here in Michigan that I more then likely will never play (private club). Other then that I enjoy designing my own courses and have done...well a few. John I`m glad I posted those pics at the links corner and glad to have you on board here as I am with all that enjoy this wonderful game and the very special community that supports it.

Re: Members and new members introduce yourself

Posted: November 19th, 2010, 11:55 pm
by Indy Anna Jones
Most of you are familiar to me, and since so far I'm the only female who's posted, I'll name myself unofficial hostess ( :wavey: ) and give special and hearty welcomes to the (to me) newcomers:

Scotty, Easy Swing, Ajfjr226 and jwgriffinca.

It is a great game and a great community, and you're most welcome!!