Green sky wrinkled paper

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Terry Grayson
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Re: Green sky wrinkled paper

Post by Terry Grayson »

Just downloaded them both, Ill see what I can come up with this evening when I get home

Thanks fellas
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Terry Grayson
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Re: Green sky wrinkled paper

Post by Terry Grayson »

Hey DC

I got the file and opened the one (6) which looked like it was further along....I did some clean up and small optimizing and went through entire course thinking
old smarty pants got it fixed... I played a practice round, got to hole 12, and BOOM DESERT SKY ... Somewhere around 70 yards from hole.... I picked up every shape did everything I knew to do and NOTHING fixed it...

Then I was staring at the course architect file, and thought , that sure is a gigantic plot, and that particular hole was set facing a vast open area, so I added a hill thinking that would break it up and fix it... It didn't...

I then decided to run the course perimeter tool and make the landplot smaller... Well it worked... I have tested every single hole, from all angles and I did not get that desert sky look at all.... I do believe we have a keeper now for you... I named it version 7... Zipping now and will upload to the site for Brian or Dar to get to you....

Hope it works for you and by the way I LOVE the bunkers and what you've done there.... Cant wait to see it....


EDIT: Its uploaded for Brian... I sent you a PM Brian.....
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Re: Green sky wrinkled paper

Post by DC#1 »

Thanks Terry for all your hard work in finding that. I was going to eventually set the perimeter, just hadn't got around to it. Well if I see that on any future designs I'll know one thing to look for. Appreciate the help. MMMMM architect back open..............
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Re: Green sky wrinkled paper

Post by DC#1 »

Terry, I want to ask you how you intended the first cut texture to play. In the game the lie looks like rough and the caddie is giving me 3 clubs more than the distance. IMHO I think it is pretty penal for a first cut. Did you adjust the co-efficients when you created the library. Just let me know.
first cut lie.JPG
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Terry Grayson
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Re: Green sky wrinkled paper

Post by Terry Grayson »

DC#1 wrote:Terry, I want to ask you how you intended the first cut texture to play. In the game the lie looks like rough and the caddie is giving me 3 clubs more than the distance. IMHO I think it is pretty penal for a first cut. Did you adjust the co-efficients when you created the library. Just let me know.

Jeeze that's been long ago when I made it....I did mess with the coefficients and normally with first cuts I make each tab play like a light rough.... I may be wrong Ill see if I can find the tlb file and see what I did.. I think I have it saved on an external hard drive somewhere
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