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Hi everyone!

Posted: February 28th, 2012, 9:46 am
by Indy Anna Jones
Sorry I seemed to have dropped off the earth; funny, I feel like I did.

Briefly, my daughter went through a hard period beginning about 2 years ago related to the POS she married. Last February she had some legal problems and had a nervous breakdown. She was diagnosed as bipolar (I've known it for years but no one would listen to me.) In the process of all this her two children were placed in foster care (the dad didn't want them and the court wouldn't place them with either set of grandparents.) She (my daughter) is on meds, she went to counselling, she did everything she was supposed to do to get her kids back. IMO she was never abusive or neglectful; the kids were always well fed, groomed and clean, and very loving and were developing normally.

On December 17 the court permanently removed the kids. I felt like, and still feel like my heart was ripped out. There is another issue here that I'm not going to get into, but words like "outrage" and "depression" aren't strong enough. Death is bad enough, but how do you grieve this?

In January my son married; last week my daughter became engaged to a very nice young man we've all known for almost 10 years and watched grow from a young teenager. It seems like the sun is finally shining a bit.

I feel like you're all a bit of family here. Sorry I haven't kept in touch.

Re: Hi everyone!

Posted: February 28th, 2012, 10:05 am
by tincup
Good to hear from you... I wondered what became of you.

It sounds like you and your family have been living a nightmare. I really hope that, as you said, things are stablizing. Nothing rips at your heartstrings like your kids and grandkids. If there is anything I can do, just let me know.


Re: Hi everyone!

Posted: February 28th, 2012, 11:43 am
by Stan Nehilla
Hopefully things are turning around and you'll spend more time with us. Keep the chin up.
:up: :up:

Re: Hi everyone!

Posted: February 29th, 2012, 5:22 pm
by SteveHorn
Judy! Glad to hear from you. You've been missed. Seems weird that the Grandparents weren't aloud to be guardians. Hope things work out for you. Best Wishes