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2011 in review

Posted: January 1st, 2012, 1:19 pm
by bryce
With another year in the books, let's look at what we had for our game and fellow members as well as some superlatives.

We started off the year with a design contest. There were 5 courses entered in the contest. Including the contest courses, (which weren't made available for download until Jan 13) we had 10 new courses available in the first 2 weeks of the year! We also closed the year with 3 new courses in the last 11 days. We had a total of 29 courses for the whole year....thats an average of more than one every 2 weeks! It is also the most we have had in a year since 2008. Most of them are A-list courses too. Of those 29 courses, 9 were real courses. Not bad!
Here they are:

Glen Haven ---- Adam Brandt (12-4-2010..not available until 1-13-2011)
Point Reyes National ---- Steve Horn (12-19-2010..not available until 1-13-2011)
Alkimos Golf Links ---- Craig Johnson (12-28-2010..not available until 1-13-2011)
Lubker Golf Resort - Sky-Sand Loop [R] ---- Sir Toben (1-4-2011)
Lubker Golf Resort - Forrest-Sand Loop [R] ---- Sir Toben (1-4-2011)
Hempstead Resort and Spa ---- fireman215 (1-4-2011)
Mamacs Retreat Golf Club ---- Links Legend (1-5-2011)
Lubker Golf Resort - Forrest-Sky Loop R ---- Sir Toben (1-11-2011)
Gunpowder Bay ---- Bryce (!-12-2011)
Permian Basin Golf Club ---- fireman215 (1-14-2011)
Bali Shandra ---- Indy Anna Jones (2-1-2011)
Ross Bridge ---- Adam Brandt (2-1-2011)
Dismal Hollow GC ---- Spencer Turner (3-4-2011)
Links Course at Hatteras Isle ---- Terry Grayson (3-14-2011)
Flinders Ridge Golf Club ---- Craig Johnson (4-4-2011)
Royal Lytham and St. Annes [R] ---- Polslad (4-26-2011)
Muirfield Village 2011 [R] ---- Steve Horn (5-3-2011)
The Cliffs at Stone Forest ---- Robert Wagers and Terry Grayson (7-30-2011)
Catalina ---- Spencer Turner (9-1-2011)
Medinah CC #3 [R] ---- Steve Horn (9-15-2011)
Royal St Georges 2011 [R] ---- Polslad (9-18-2011)
Xavier Glen ---- Blakely (9-26-2011)
Parkland Creek Fantasy ---- Ogilvy2 (9-26-2011)
Tunica Resort ---- Kelciejammer (10-3-2011)
Cougills Keep GC ---- Indy Anna Jones (11-12-2011)
Eiderdale ---- Blakely (11-25-2011)
Kapalua Plantation Course V1 [R] ---- Ogilvy2 (12-20-2011)
Brookgreen ---- Terry Grayson (12-23-2011)
Peninsula State Park Golf Course [R] ---- Brian Zager (12-27-2011)

Besides our golf courses, we had the return of Robert Wagers designing, as well as him returning home in better health. We also had some sad moments, with the loss of old friends and family, as well as Seve Ballesteros.

I just want to put some superlatives out there, which are totally my opinion and subject to any additions to it and/or criticism!

Course of the Year - Flinders Range Golf Club -- Craig Johnson
Designer of the year -- Terry Grayson
Hole of the year - Mamacs Retreat #9 -- Links Legend
(130.22 KiB) Not downloaded yet
...and lastly, to make myself feel better, the best looking hole I have ever designed: Gunpowder Bay #7
(114.64 KiB) Not downloaded yet
2011 was a great year, but let's make 2012 even better!
