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Course of the ???

Posted: October 10th, 2011, 8:38 pm
by sandwedge
Been reading in the course review section about the lack of response. I try my best to review each course that comes out and maybe a few older ones that new members might not have seen. I too, think it is important to let our designers know we appreciate their effort and also provide what they seek - feedback to improve their craft. If you have downloaded a course, take the time to post a few comments - the look of the course, the toughness of the holes, the unique things that stood out in your round, design features you liked or had a hard time figuring out :)

This brings me to the point of this post. The contest trail seems to have gone dead - at least for awhile - and so without reviews there is little if any feedback from the populous. So what about a course of the year post? Or how about a post on particular design features with recent examples from courses just put out? There is an increase in the number of designs so there should be a way to increase the feedback to keep the flow going. Makes sense to me but then I'm not sure my suggestions are necessarily the best way to go - just want to get the ball rolling for discussion.

Re: Course of the ???

Posted: October 16th, 2011, 8:14 am
by ogilvy2

Sandwege, I think you are doing a very good job with all the reviews you give us. Thank you for that.

Well, a design contest is very difficult to organize. I would try to join, if I could make it, but I don´t think I can spend a lot time on it at the moment (sorry for that).
It would depend on the time, what kind of contest it would be..........
I would be good for 1-2 holes, but for example could not do a complete course at the moment.
We all have diffrent preferences or things we could handle, I guess.

I agree, that it would be nice, if we could find something to do together, to keep things going, but I understand, that some of us won´t have the time or can´t join because of other reasons (I am the same way). But it would be worth a try.
I personally do not like to rate courses, because it is very difficult for me. We all try as good as we can, but of course it makes a diffrence, if it is a course from a "newer" designer, or one of these "experienced ones".
But everything that keeps things going here and would make us doing something together is a good idea.

That are just my thoughts on that.


Re: Course of the ???

Posted: October 16th, 2011, 11:51 am
by Indy Anna Jones
I don't always think it's necessary to rate a course; so much of a course's appeal is subjective to an individual's likes/dislikes and skills at types of courses. I really like links-style courses; as far as I know I have all of them and have played most of them multiple times. They're especially fun to play in wicked weather conditions. When it comes to other types of courses, I like those that look real and those with a lot of trees, so the wide-open courses have less appeal to me. That's why, for example, I find Steve Horn's new Medinah course more appealing that his Muirfield Village '11 course. (I haven't had the opportunity to play Medinah yet, but it looks really nice and I'm always impressed with the quality of Steve's work.)

Designing is a lot of work, but it really is a lot of fun. I don't use the techno-stuff to make my courses; I start with the blank slate and build everything from the ground up. I admire those designers who have 10+ courses and continue to put out interesting and fun/challenging courses without running out of fresh ideas. I think that player input is important for letting the designers know how they're doing. Are the courses redundant? Is the layout the same old same old-same old? Do the greens play the same? Does Course 12 look too much like course 8? We need to know.

As a new designer we (hub and I) looked forward to the critiques, especially from the older designers, but from the players as well. Of course the pats on the back was the best, but criticism given to help overcome weaknesses in the design were also welcome. We have (as far as I can tell) two courses this month from brand new designers, Kelcie and Blakely. They're obviously newbie designers with the typical newbie weaknesses, but frankly, compared to some of the stuff we have from 2000-2001, they're not bad and they deserve some comments from us, IMO. (Kelcie, I haven't played yours yet either.)

A thesis isn't required, but a paragraph is nice to have, even for us "oldies" like Boris (Ogilvy2),Terry, Spence and myself.

Re: Course of the ???

Posted: October 17th, 2011, 6:13 am
by sandwedge
It would be nice to get an "At the Links" kind of review going again. Those were always helpful, had pictures and sometimes even design examples. Maybe we have less people in the community than it appears? I guess I will just do my best to keep posting reviews and leave it at that - this post is starting to depress me :)

Re: Course of the ???

Posted: October 17th, 2011, 11:09 am
by Robert@
Dont be depressed...even from the very begining when there were 1000 + members ,reviews have always been too few. If its not that someone feels they are not qualified to review(absurd,if you played the course your qualified),or afraid to post a bad review in fear of hurting a designers feelings(designers that take bad reviews badly are almost always just bad designers who have no interst in getting better) to the fact that some are just takers,gobbling up free courses with no regard to giving back to the community in the form of a review. Everyone has something to offer this community,not only designers and this sites adminstrators,but all players of this game as well. Posting anything on this site has always encouraged some type of dialogue,and in return that brings in new players and interest in this game.all good things. So dont get discouraged sandwedge your one of the good guys and more should be following your example!! Keep up the good work!!

Re: Course of the ???

Posted: October 17th, 2011, 12:47 pm
by ADC
Hi, everyone. Would anybody mind if I started posting some reviews?

Re: Course of the ???

Posted: October 17th, 2011, 4:00 pm
by Indy Anna Jones
The sooner the better ADC. And I totally agree with what Robert@ said:

"Everyone has something to offer this community,not only designers and this sites adminstrators,but all players of this game as well. Posting anything on this site has always encouraged some type of dialogue,and in return that brings in new players and interest in this game.all good things."

Re: Course of the ???

Posted: November 1st, 2011, 3:40 pm
by bryce
ADC, we would love it if you did some reviews. I have done alot of reviews over the course of time, but have not had the chance to in the last few months. I may just jump back in and do some too.