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Update on --------------> Me

Posted: July 22nd, 2011, 7:52 pm
by Robert D. Wagers
I received my Welcome Packet in the mail today! This is the packet that the transplant team sends out when you are "On Deck."
So, I am now "On Deck" and counting down the last few days. I drive July 31st to Nashville and if things go right, I will be home sometime in December. I hope that I won't have any Major Difficulties as these transplants are very dangerous! Before I get started, they will be doing a lot of testing of My Sister and I to determine the likelihood of success or failure. I am confident that things will go smoothly, but just in case they don't, I want all of You guys/gals to know that you are all great friends. The PGA2k community has always given me much joy to be a part of! I thank you for that!

I won't have any access to the internet while in the hospital... but I may be able to check my email once or twice. If I can, I may just "pop-in" here and say Hi! but I don't think that I will.

Either way, if I don't make it through this transplant, I hope that you friends will continue to enjoy my designs for many years to come. My biggest thrill is when people share how much they enjoy my designs. The enjoyment of others is why I did them to begin with.

In closing, if things go well, I'll see you all on "The Other-Side." If things don't go so well...... I'll really see you on "The Other Side!"

Your Friend,
Robert D. Wagers

Re: Update on Me-------------->

Posted: July 23rd, 2011, 1:33 am
by poppy
for what it is worth Robert, you have the utmost respect of myself for posting your letter.....I have to be honest right here and tell you that brought tears to my eyes....we have lost to many people on here and i will pray for you my friend have almost been to hell and back and still on course.....the good Lord above will see you through i will just say MAY THE GOOD LORD BLESS AND KEEP YOU TILL WE MEET AGAIN...... :up:

Re: Update on Me-------------->

Posted: July 23rd, 2011, 3:37 am
by Stan Nehilla
You are and will continue to be in the Nehilla family prayers.
You are admired for your courage and continued will to fight this dread.
Know were with you. :up:

Re: Update on Me-------------->

Posted: July 23rd, 2011, 9:29 am
by DC#1
We are continuing to pray for you and your family. From your avatar you've got a lot to live for. For the record I love all the courses you have done. IMHO you are THE BEST designer PGA has ever had, bar none. The realism in your courses is amazing. But then again you are an exceptional person to have gone through what you have. Keep fighting as there are a lot of people who depend on you,... like the one in your arms.

Re: Update on Me-------------->

Posted: July 23rd, 2011, 9:37 am
by tincup
Robert D. Wagers wrote:I received my Welcome Packet in the mail today! This is the packet that the transplant team sends out when you are "On Deck."
So, I am now "On Deck" and counting down the last few days. I drive July 31st to Nashville and if things go right, I will be home sometime in December. I hope that I won't have any Major Difficulties as these transplants are very dangerous! Before I get started, they will be doing a lot of testing of My Sister and I to determine the likelihood of success or failure. I am confident that things will go smoothly, but just in case they don't, I want all of You guys/gals to know that you are all great friends. The PGA2k community has always given me much joy to be a part of! I thank you for that!

I won't have any access to the internet while in the hospital... but I may be able to check my email once or twice. If I can, I may just "pop-in" here and say Hi! but I don't think that I will.

Either way, if I don't make it through this transplant, I hope that you friends will continue to enjoy my designs for many years to come. My biggest thrill is when people share how much they enjoy my designs. The enjoyment of others is why I did them to begin with.

In closing, if things go well, I'll see you all on "The Other-Side." If things don't go so well...... I'll really see you on "The Other Side!"

Your Friend,
Robert D. Wagers
Gulp... well, I guess this is the big one Robert. I know you have been preparing mentally for this for months now, but I am not sure you ever get completely ready for it.

Following on your metaphore, "On Deck" means you are taking some warm up swings and sizing up the competition.... they don't look so tough. All I want to hear later is "There is great joy in Little Rock, for mighty Wagers has hit it out of the park!"

Best of luck bud. If anyone can do this, you can. We will be praying for you.


Re: Update on Me-------------->

Posted: July 23rd, 2011, 10:47 am
by Terry Grayson

Know you are in our prayers daily.... I am not quite sure what to say at this moment after reading your post, but I have confidence and faith that the Good Lord will see you through this next step... You are a great friend to everyone in this community and we cherish that friendship... We will all be there in spirit with you...

Bless you brother


Re: Update on Me-------------->

Posted: July 23rd, 2011, 10:59 am
by SteveHorn
Wagers! I 2nd what has already been said. Keep your chin up, hang tough and GOOD LUCK.

Re: Update on Me-------------->

Posted: July 24th, 2011, 8:42 am
by BrianZ111
Hope everything goes well Wage. We'll be thinking about you.

Re: Update on Me-------------->

Posted: July 24th, 2011, 3:03 pm
by bryce
I really pray that everything will work out for you. I, along with my friend Mike, held a golf tournament last November to raise money for our friend Charles, who at the time had just been taken out of work with lung cancer. Sadly, Charles lost his battle just this past Tuesday. He was only 49.

Not only do I enjoy your courses for our game, but I also enjoy your presence with this community. I wish you all the best for your transplant.


Re: Update on Me-------------->

Posted: July 25th, 2011, 1:19 am
by Polslad
Good Luck Robert, here's hoping for a few mulligans and a free drop.