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Re: Members and new members introduce yourself

Posted: August 8th, 2011, 6:59 pm
by epohs
Hi linda. You might remember me epohs. CW club now that brings back memories.

Re: Members and new members introduce yourself

Posted: August 14th, 2011, 3:59 pm
by Diguelo

Back from the dark and dismal past, already a member and available for any technical queries anyones having trouble with.

Re: Members and new members introduce yourself

Posted: August 14th, 2011, 6:52 pm
by Indy Anna Jones
Hey, hey, hey! Welcome back Diguelo!!
Btw, did I ever thank you for the compiler? If not... thank you!

Re: Members and new members introduce yourself

Posted: August 15th, 2011, 11:11 am
by SteveHorn
Diguelo & Epohs! Welcome once again to the PGA2000 community.

Re: Members and new members introduce yourself

Posted: September 9th, 2011, 12:44 pm
by Parrothead
Hi all,

Bought the original PGA2000 some 9 or 10 years ago. Enjoyed it, though the difficulty could get frustrating,at times. Also played Links-2000 and TW '03, kept returning back to PGA. Got hooked on another Sierra product (Grand Prix Legends), which tested different driving skills. Found the mygolfer site 3-4 years ago, it was great to once again enjoy many different designer courses (thanks much to the designers! Cheers! ). Found the tutorials a big help. Then my computer gave up the ghost, have finally gotten around to re-installing the game on another machine and have played a number of the original courses. I will eventually get around to installing other courses, once again. Thanks to all responsible for this site, Cheers!

Re: Members and new members introduce yourself

Posted: September 9th, 2011, 3:13 pm
by Indy Anna Jones
Welcome, welcome! It's always good seeing (relative) newcomers to the site?
Did you play on WON; any of the ladders?
Anyway, if you haven't played in the past 3 years or so you'll be amazed at how far the designer has been (and continues to be) taken. If we only had TW or Links graphics... but IMO it's still the game that's the most fun to play (but I'm prejudiced.)

Any questions about the game, downloading, etc... never never never hesitate to ask.

Re: Members and new members introduce yourself

Posted: September 12th, 2011, 10:09 am
by Parrothead
Have never played online, was already spending too much time racing online. PGA has strictly been an offline pleasure/frustration. ;) Have re-loaded Firestone South, will get around to re-installing other previously dl'd courses, now that I have gone through the install process with a hiccup or two. Will re-introduce myself to the very helpful tutorial regarding loft and get some practice in. After all this time on and off with PGA2000, I'm still looking forward to my first below par round. Currently sitting at an 84.5 stroke avg since reloading, best round a +4. May give online play a try, once I'm fully familiar with the program again and have worked out some minor connectivity issues. If I do have questions, I won't hesitate to ask.

Re: Members and new members introduce yourself

Posted: September 12th, 2011, 1:13 pm
by JaxDuffer
Parrothead - wow, another GPL player! Amazing what they did with that game over the years. It is more playable now than it was forever ago. My problem is, it is wayyy too realistic. I can't control my car to save my life!

Re: Members and new members introduce yourself

Posted: October 1st, 2011, 5:15 pm
by Parrothead
Have gone on a downloading spree of sorts and am enjoying them. Some (Ullna2 and Yarra Yarra) just for the fact I have been to both Sweden and Australia and had a chance to play a round or two in those countries. Can't remember the name of the course in Sweden, somewhere in the south (Boras - Gothenberg area). Australia, played at Yarra Bend. The nice part of computer play, the kookaburras laughter didn't cause me to shank as many shots, but the laughter post shot felt the same. ;)

Congressional and PGA West, yikes, my first rounds at those were uhm, forgettable, but I was laughing. A couple of the pin placements ruined what would have been half decent rounds. I just hurts when you're on the green in 3 on a par 4 and then proceed to 24 putt! :eek: LOL! Any thoughts of online play are still on hold, as I am still working out an intermittent connectivity issues.

I was going to ask about one minor issue, I had noticed the "Medals" list kept showing the same date 9/9/11, couldn't remember if PGA2000 synched to the computer clock or not. Played a round earlier today and the date on the list showed 10/10/11. I'm going to assume that is question answered.

JaxDuffer: GPL, all I can say practice, practice, practice. Try not to use the driver's aids, as you'll just have to re-learn after removing them, if you do use them. The Coventry (Cooper) is a good car to use for learning purpose and start at tracks like Monza, Watkins Glen, Mosport. Learning all 14 miles and 168 turns of the Nurburgring takes loads of time. I don't want to think of how many hours I spent, practicing and "racing", to get a laptime there below 8 mins. 30 sec. :) Only to try and learn the Isle of Man track later. Took part in an online league for a year or two, enjoyed it. Dl'd tracks and golf courses could certainly eat up HD space in a hurry, in those days.

Re: Members and new members introduce yourself

Posted: October 3rd, 2011, 1:21 am
by Polslad
I'm coming out!
I am into GPL also.
I must have every download and add-on available.
It is simply awesome!